
12 Apostles of Jesus

Can you name the twelve apostles of Jesus?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 4, 2018
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First submittedOctober 1, 2009
Times taken105,032
Average score58.3%
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James son of Alphaeus
James son of Zebedee
104 Recent Comments
Level 76
Jan 10, 2012
Simon was the alternative name for Peter, not for Paul.
Level 90
Mar 31, 2013
There was another apostle named Simon besides Peter. Paul wasn't one of the twelve.
Level 44
Apr 5, 2015
B1Bomber is completely right. Peter is simply the name given to Simon by Jesus at Caesarea Phillipi (spelling?). "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it," Matthew 16:18. In order to make this quiz clearer, Simon should fill two answers, distinguished by "Simon, called Peter," and "Simon the Zealot." Thanks!
Level 71
Oct 3, 2019
Did you know that peter means rock.
Level 77
Apr 12, 2020
Petrus is Latin for 'rock'. Peter is just the anglicized version.
Level 81
Apr 14, 2020
It comes from the Greek "petros" originally
Level 55
Mar 9, 2012
How is it possible for 60% to get one James, but 61% to get the other James??
Level 58
Oct 9, 2016
IDK, this is JetPunk logic
Level 62
Apr 12, 2020
someone typed out the entire name
Level 53
Nov 30, 2023
But then you still type in “James” first.
Level 53
Mar 31, 2024
maybe somebody typed the location before james
Level 33
Mar 14, 2024
perhaps one of the James has a different name also?
Level 65
Mar 31, 2024
I copied the quiz into the editor to view the type-ins, and no, both Jameses have the same type-in.

Starts with = James.

So no clue then.

Level 15
Sep 11, 2012
Different Gospels say there are different disciples.
Level 78
Apr 14, 2020
Not exactly. Only two gospels (Mathew and Luke) list the twelve. Eleven of the names are the same. Then, in one gospel there's another "Judas", while the other has a "Thaddaeus". Traditionally, it has been assumed that it was a single individual called Judas Thaddaeus.
Level 34
May 2, 2024
This individual is known as "Jude" to avoid confusion with Judas Iscariot, which probably occurred a lot before the gospels were written down. He is the same guy as Lebbaeus/Thaddeus.
Level 34
May 2, 2024
No. They do list them in different orders and with different names, but they're the same disciples.
Level 43
Mar 3, 2013
And just where is Jim-Bob?
Level 53
Mar 31, 2013
9/12 aint bad for an atheist
Level 50
Apr 4, 2013
Little Steven, Nils, Clarence, Roy, Max, Gary, Danny, Patti.

The Gospel according to Bruce. Can I get an Amen?

Level 17
Apr 9, 2013
I learned these all at church i should know them!!!!!!!!!
Level 17
Apr 9, 2013
Great quiz. Thank you for making a good quiz. Some people just don't know how to make good quizzes. Like myself. :)
Level 2
May 17, 2013
How are you able to put a picture on your quiz? I cant seem to find out how.
Level 84
Feb 22, 2014
These are disciples, not apostles. They became apostles after Jesus died, minus Judas. Then others joined them and were also included as apostles.
Level 67
Apr 1, 2024
It's the 12 apostles, not the 11 apostles. Judas counts.
Level 26
Feb 23, 2014
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the twelve disciples rather than apostles?
Level 37
Aug 29, 2014
"When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles." Luke 6:13 NIV
Level 32
Jul 29, 2019
An apostle was a person who had seen Jesus and could perform miraculous works through his name for the purpose of spreading the Gospel;therefore Paul is an apostle. The name should say "Twelve Dsciples of Jesus" and not apostles.
Level 34
May 2, 2024
It's tricky. As another user, beetboy12, pointed out, they've been called both by Jesus and others. You could make a valid claim for both. I prefer to not get nitpicky about it.
Level 55
Aug 14, 2014
Thaddaeus, not Thaddeus. You should add an a.
Level ∞
Oct 10, 2014
Level 70
Feb 26, 2015
So what happened to Brian? I'm sure there was a whole film devoted to his Life.
Level 89
Mar 20, 2020
He was a very naughty boy.
Level 76
Apr 12, 2020
Brain wasn't an apostle. He was the messiah.
Level 55
Nov 30, 2022
Level 65
Apr 5, 2015
I'm Jewish and I got 8, including Philip once I started guessing random names.
Level 69
Mar 31, 2024
Level 63
Mar 31, 2024
don't what?
Level 34
May 2, 2024
Level 69
Apr 6, 2015
And here we go, all the 'I hate religion' comments.

Because you're absolutely going to change people's views.


Level 82
Apr 6, 2015
You're right. Nobody has ever changed their mind about religion. That's why there are exactly the same number of atheists, Catholics, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians, Baptists, Methodists, Anglicans, Sunnis, Shias, Druze, Sufis, Buddhist, Hindus, Shintoists and so on as there was at the dawn of time.
Level 20
Apr 7, 2015
True. I'm a Christian, and nobody is going to change my relationship with Jesus against my will. I'm very strong-headed when it comes to this kinda stuff. If anyone offends me, I'll just break out quoting Scripture and stuff until they, A) take back their comment, or B) say sorry and leave me alone
Level 82
Apr 9, 2015
I guess you missed the sarcasm. MANY people are capable of changing their minds about religion. I did. As did countless others. If this were not so, then there would be no religion, because how would it spread without the possibility of conversion?
Level 68
Aug 5, 2016
I'm thankful I could choose.
Level 62
Jun 11, 2021
Many people have certainly changed their mind about religion. But how many have changed their mind after looking at Jetpunk comments?
Level 82
Jun 21, 2021
don't know but it's not even unlikely that for at least one person it might have contributed. It usually doesn't happen instantaneously.
Level 71
Oct 3, 2019
I havent seen any of those here so far. This one (maxism's) is the first that seems rather hatefull..
Level 21
Jun 26, 2015
Religion is a big part of my life. I'm the daughter of a preacher, so growing up Christian is the only way I know how to grow up. I go to church every single Sunday both morning and night. I go on Wednesdays during the school year. I do a lot of events with my youth group. I do small groups. I do devotions. I read my bible, take prayer requests, pray, and recite the Lord's prayer and partake in communion. Growing up Christian and living in a Christian manner is the only way I know how.
Level 82
Nov 14, 2016
There's so much you're missing out on.
Level 81
Apr 14, 2020
Some good, lots not so good.
Level 82
Sep 30, 2020
I'd say some not so good, lots of good. But either way, a full life worth living is not about exclusively having good experiences.
Level 57
Mar 31, 2024
why do you come to so many quizzes and just randomly be rude? stop it bro, nobody needs to hear your negativity. religion will always be a finicky topic and nobody- and i mean NOBODY- right now is thinking "gosh, i need kalbahamut's opinion on religion, it's gonna make everyone happy!" painfully often, your comments are just disrespectful or nitpicky. they could say you're missing out on Christianity. religion is guaranteed to make a controversial topic, and we don't need users like you making it worse. Religion is a wonderful part of my life too, and if you aren't religious, then you don't really have the right to tell people what it's like. are we good or can i report you?
Level 34
May 2, 2024
There's so much we want to miss out on. Existential fear, unhealthy relationships, lives of crime, rebellion, hatred, maltreatment of others. Ideally we avoid these things as the "fruits" of a relationship with God.
Level 73
May 17, 2018
That's wonderful, good for you Horse. I bet you have an assured and serene mindset.
Level 67
Jun 29, 2022
Another person lost to insanity
Level 59
Aug 28, 2015
These are despises, not apostles. Judas was not an apostle because he killed himself, and was replaced by Mathias.
Level 54
Apr 20, 2016
Doug didn't work. :(
Level 63
Sep 29, 2016
WWJD: Who were Jesus' Disciples? Should have been title of quiz :P
Level 57
Mar 31, 2024
the only good comment on this quiz 😂
Level 28
Oct 20, 2016
Matthias the 13th should be added.
Level 48
Oct 27, 2016
Level 81
May 19, 2017
Not 100% sure, but I thought that they were called disciples until Jesus' death and apostles after receiving the 'gift of tongues'. This means that Judas, although a disciple was not an apostle.
Level 45
May 19, 2017
No Donald then :)
Level 37
Jun 21, 2017
I mostly agree with the naysayers concerning the "righteous" Christians, but not about the accuracy of the Bible. I am a

firm believer in the adage: "judge not that ye not be judged"

so I keep my opinions about other people's piety to myself.

I suggest some of the frequent commenters on these religious sites do the same.

Level 68
Jul 2, 2017
Yay! (sincerely)
Level 64
Jun 30, 2017
Placing the word "disciples" next to "apostles" is a bit misleading, though it shouldn't hinder one's performance on the quiz

The 12 were not Jesus' only disciples, they were his only apostles.

Every apostle (each of the 12) is a disciple, but not every disciple is an apostle.

Level 32
Jul 29, 2019
They were not his only apostles. Paul was also an apostle.
Level 66
Jun 30, 2017
Include Matthias as the one chosen to replace Judas Iscariot.
Level 42
Jun 30, 2017
I'm from Denmark, and only ever learned the names in Danish. Danigt
Level 66
Jun 30, 2017
Could have sworn one of them was called Clive.
Level 44
Feb 24, 2018
Im an atheist and I got 11/12 I kept typing Paul instead of Phillip and forgot Judas ...dang it oh well. probably did better than most bible thumpers would.Is there a 10 commandments quiz on here?
Level 34
May 2, 2024
Try using the PBJ Stamp mnemonic. Peter, Bartholomew(Nathanael), J(Jude, Judas, James, James, John), Simon, Thomas, Andrew, Matthew, Philip.
Level 27
Feb 24, 2018
Thought there was one named Paul. I guess not.
Level 40
Mar 31, 2024
yeah paul was a different guy
Level 37
Aug 19, 2018
There's a reason that the Bible is divided into the Old Testament (The Hebrew Scriptures) and the New Testament (The Greek Scriptures).

The Old Testament describes all the horrific incidents commented on by previous posters (and more) while the New Testament focuses on how it is all going to be avenged.

Level 70
Nov 6, 2018
... And it is going to be "avenged" by God sending his son down to Earth for 33 years, subsequently subjecting him to three days' worth of the most horrific torture imaginable for something that he didn't do, and letting people off for all their wrongdoings if they just believe in Jesus... Totally an improvement on the Old Testament.
Level 73
Jul 29, 2019
The New Testament is not about "avenging" anything. Redemption is the word you're looking for.
Level 27
Jul 22, 2019
Who is Thaddaeus?
Level 73
Jul 29, 2019
He is also referred to in the gospels by the name Jude or Judas (not Iscariot).
Level 65
Apr 12, 2020
Please also accept Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Happy, Sleepy, Doc, Curly, Larry, and Moe.
Level 90
Apr 12, 2020
But what about Bashful?
Level 28
Sep 6, 2020
For some reason I just kept thinking "Kevin." Knowing that this was not an apostle. ;)

I got all twelve with seconds to spare... Thomas was my final 2 minutes of brain racking...

Level 64
Sep 7, 2021
Oh, you doubting Thomas ;)
Level 42
Sep 27, 2020
Who was the among us impostor
Level 38
Apr 23, 2021
Level 64
May 30, 2021
Later killed himself due to regret.
Level 38
Apr 23, 2021
just missed thadeus
Level 63
Feb 3, 2022
There's a song I learned a r e a l l y long time ago, and it helped me a lot with this one.
Level 50
Apr 21, 2022
Could u include Matthias?
Level 72
Jun 29, 2022
I find it interesting that the least guessed answer is the only one whose name is consistent across all four gospels and the book of Acts without any sort of nickname or extra qualifier nor any significant change between different translations from different sources.
Level 55
Jun 29, 2022
You should accept Jacob for James
Level 20
Jun 29, 2022
11/12 i forgot bout Andrew I’m sad
Level 61
Jun 30, 2022
You should change "Bartholomew" to "Bartholomew / Nathaniel" and you should accept both Nathanael and Nathaniel for that answer.

Similarly, you should change "Thaddaeus" to "Thaddaeus / Judas" and you should accept Judas for that answer.

You might also change "Simon" to "Simon the Zealot" so that people don't think you mean Peter.

Level 64
Jul 1, 2022
That's some very (modern) white Anglo names for a bunch of Middle-Eastern Jews who lived about 2000 years ago...
Level 59
Jul 2, 2022
Those modern, white Anglo names are from these ancient Middle Eastern names. White Anglo-Saxons read the Bible.
Level 65
Jan 31, 2023
Adam's still a prevalent name, and he's the first man mentioned in the Bible? Not sure what you're thinking
Level 22
Oct 20, 2022
Level 44
Apr 13, 2023
Thank the lord for this quiz, as I have earned extra credit in my religion class at CCD.
Level 27
Aug 29, 2023
im my language its definetly not 2x the same name...

Simon Petrus, Jakobus, Johannes, Andreas, Philippus, Bartholomäus, Matthäus, Thomas, Jakobus, Thaddäus, Simon, Judas.

Level 53
Dec 1, 2023
I learned some song in eighth grade. It was like SimonPeter Andrew, Simon James James John, Matthew Judas Phillip, Bart Thad and Thom. I don’t have a clue why it goes like this, it just does.
Level 55
Feb 19, 2024
judas was a disciple not an apostle the 12th apostle was St. Matthias Acts 1:26
Level 54
Mar 31, 2024
I dunno, never read the Bible. Waiting for the film adaptation.
Level 34
May 2, 2024
The entire life of Jesus got turned into an 8 or something hour movie @-@, think about the entire Bible. To fit everything in, it would be DAYS LONG. Not to mention the films always changing the canon so it's not boring smh
Level 72
Apr 7, 2024
I didn't read all of the comments (there's too many), so sorry if it's repeated: Simon should be a type-in for Peter as well.

His name was Simon, Jesus changes his name to Cefa, meaning "stone", in Latin "Peter".

Sometimes the two Simons are called "Simon the Zealot" and "Simon Peter".