
Provinces of China Map Quiz

Fill in the blank map of China by clicking the correct name of each highlighted province or region.
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Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 28, 2018
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First submittedJanuary 8, 2014
Times taken76,910
Average score43.8%
32 remaining
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Select Province
Hong Kong / Macau
Inner Mongolia
Xinjiang Uyghur
This Province is:
Level 23
Mar 14, 2014
Great quiz. Good for geo-buffs who want to get to know a little more about the next superpower
Level 78
Apr 1, 2014
Also a good idea for the rest of us to learn more about our future overlords.
Level 23
Apr 1, 2014
Level 56
Apr 2, 2014
I hate reading about all this stuff that "the Chinese are our future overlords". That's a pessimistic view, and only if most non-Chinese have such an attitude, will they become our overlords. China is a superpower with growing strength, but so is India, which will eventually have a higher population and nominal GDP than China. China won't rule over the USA and Europe, just like the USA doesn't rule over Latin America today.

But I do understand that China will be the most influential superpower for decades and I do understand the need to learn more about China.

Level 23
Apr 2, 2014
I think 'Bob Saget' was purposefully engaging in a little hyperbole to produce a few chuckles from readers.
Level 37
May 10, 2014
"That's a pessimistic view, "

And why is that pessimistic?

Level 56
Oct 31, 2014
To Huaiwei. The short way to say it is most people like knowing that they have power over others.
Level 82
Feb 19, 2017
Because China is a "Communist" one party state. But we don't need to worry. That nation is on the brink of collapse.
Level 19
Oct 21, 2023
FYI: china's communist era is over since decades.

And why should the country collapse in the next decades?

Level 79
Oct 8, 2019
@Sulps I heavily doubt that India would have a higher nominal GDP than China ANYtime soon......
Level 59
Aug 31, 2020
Well, they are having a population crisis, and subsequently, a financial one. But 'collapse', is likely too strong a word for China.
Level 33
Dec 13, 2020
India will have a higher population than China by 2024, but India is nowhere near the nominal GDP of China and most likely won't be for at least this century. I don't view more population as a good thing either, since overpopulation means pollution and a lack of resources... However, I agree some people exaggerate the power of China
Level 31
Apr 19, 2022
India’s economy is very unstable.And if their economy surpass China,it is based on their population,not gdp per capita.
Level 19
Oct 21, 2023
in the short term, you're probably right.
Level 82
Apr 1, 2014
I got 8. Only 35th percentile. My erudition has failed me.
Level 75
Apr 1, 2014
Me too!
Level 91
Apr 2, 2014
At first, I was going to refuse to take the bait. But you suckered me in, and I managed to go from 6 right on my first try to getting them all on my third. Thanks for guilt-tripping me into learning something new.
Level 68
Jul 7, 2014
I got 20-- mostly cities, western stuff, and Manchuria, and then missed all of the central stuff. Henan, Hunan, Hebei, and Hubei got me, they all sound so similar.
Level 30
Dec 23, 2014
They progress alphabetically North to South in a diagonal.
Level 68
Dec 28, 2014
Wait, there's Shanxi and Shaanxi? Got to rename some of those provinces, China.
Level 49
Aug 28, 2015
They did. Technically they are both "Shan Xi" when romanized, but in Chinese the characters, pronunciation, and names of the provinces are different. 山西 (Shan1xi1) means west of the mountains, and 陕西 (Shan3xi1) means west of 陕 which was a famous area in ancient times.

China changed the latter to Shaanxi so the western world wouldn't be confused with two Shanxi's.

Level 46
Apr 11, 2018
Does the name of the famous area in ancient times happen to have anything to do with the mountains?
Level 59
Nov 11, 2018
They changed the latter by adding 1 extra 'a' ?

I think western world will more get confused now.........

Level 31
Sep 14, 2022
No,the name shaanxi is also based on the Latin alphabet
Level 53
Dec 23, 2015
I got 1 correct out of 32, yet still beat 11.9% of test takers.
Level 83
Apr 21, 2016
Another quiz where playing Europa Universalis 4 helped me substantially! Glad to see my addiction to that game finally paying off :)
Level 24
May 20, 2016
1. Can you remove Hong Kong and Macau? They are special admisitrative regions, not part of mainland.

2. I am from Hong Kong, and I can't get the central ones. Totally forgivable. 75% is better than most Hong Kong teens.

Level 24
May 20, 2016
For 1 I mean that HK and Macau are not PROVINCES but Special Administrative Regions
Level 82
Jul 13, 2016
Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Ningxia, Chongqing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Beijing are not provinces either, but they're included.
Level 30
Aug 29, 2016
Shh... If you got rid of Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Shanghai then I would only have Hainan!
Level 15
Jun 16, 2016
No pressure guys, I'm Chinese and only got 15/32! LOL
Level 20
Aug 1, 2021
Did you even learn geography.....
Level 47
Jul 27, 2016
Got them all with 0:17 left. Not bad for an American thirteen-year-old.
Level 37
May 11, 2017
I can't click Hong Kong/Macau...
Level 74
Aug 26, 2017
If you know your Chinese directions, you can work your way around: dong (east), nan (south), xi (west), bei (north). So Hebei is north of Henan... Guangxi is west of Guangdong... Hunan is south of Hubei.
Level 35
Aug 26, 2017
Chinese and still got 9. And one was random
Level 64
May 28, 2021
29/32 now.
Level 65
Sep 18, 2017
Tibet, Uyghur and Inner Mongolia should be free of China's autocratic rule. Tibet and Uyghur should have independence and form their own states. Inner Mongolia should join with Mongolia.

Even Hong Kong should become independent.


Level 59
Nov 11, 2018
China shares land borders with 14 countries and has land disputes with 23 Countries.......
Level 47
Aug 5, 2019
Yes agreed on all of that, and then have ROC take back control of the leftover China
Level 46
Aug 10, 2021
Well then... If you agree for the creation of a navajo state, the independence of the PSA/California and the Great Lakes, Texas, Florida, New England and Rockies, and then let Canada annex the remaining rump state, I have no problem.
Level 59
Nov 10, 2021
Inner Mongolia should join with Mongolia.

Then Mongolia would be a Han-majority country. I don't know why you would ever want to do this. Just because the region has Mongolia in its English name, doesn't mean it should belong to Mongolia.

Even Hong Kong should become independent.

From Wikipedia: According to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute in December 2019, one-fifth of Hong Kong's population supported Hong Kong independence, while 56% of Hongkongers opposed it.

Personally I think Westerners should stop trying to dictate the future of people in countries they know barely anything about.

Level 49
Jan 23, 2022
This is a quiz not a politics show. It's divisive & there's enough of that already elsewhere!
Level 60
Dec 31, 2022
Inner Mongolia refers to a geographical region, and Mongolians only make up 17% of its 24 million people. Mongolia is 95% Mongolian and has 3 million people. Joined together, the new Mongolia would be majority Han. Not a very Mongolian state, right?
Level 54
Feb 28, 2018
The only knowledge I have of the regions of China is from Hearts of Iron IV and I got more than half of it right.
Level 22
Aug 7, 2019
Yeah, if it wasn't for hoi, i would have gotten 0
Level 47
Aug 5, 2019
Hunan, Henan, Hubei, and Hebei always confuse me XD
Level 42
Dec 22, 2021
Well, to make it easier, they are ordered from north to south alphabetically (Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan).
Level 59
Nov 21, 2019
Shaanxi-Shanxi, Hunan-Henan, Hebei-Hubei looks like they purposely name there provinces like this.... I'm sure school kids would mix up all or might even write u in such a way that some teachers might think it's an e
Level 82
Feb 16, 2020
In the case of some, the names actually give clues. Remember 'nan' is south and 'bei' is north. So Hebei is directly above Henan. Hubei is directly above Hunan. If you start with the knowledge that Beijing is surrounded by Hebei and know all the H-bei/nan provinces are in a line, it makes it easy to get them. It's the same as in the city names (Beijing is 'north capital', while Nanjing is 'south capital'). There's also 'dong' and 'xi, which are east and west respectively - hence Guangdong is immediately east of Guangxi.
Level 72
Feb 5, 2024
I'm a bit late, but I'm disappointed in myself for not realising they were in a line. That would've made it so much easier to memorise!
Level 60
Dec 31, 2022
They are 陕西-山西, 湖南-河南, and 河北-湖北 in Chinese.

西 = west

南 = south

北 = north

Level 47
Apr 30, 2020
shaanxi shanxi. Nice, China.>:(
Level 69
May 27, 2020
100% wiiiii, after 10 attemps haha
Level 56
Sep 11, 2020
The shape and size of Inner Mongolia scares me... whenever i look at it i feel intimidated.
Level 44
Feb 2, 2021
do you guys think tibet is going to gain its independence from china?
Level 58
Mar 2, 2022
nice joke bro
Level 49
Aug 9, 2022
Thanks for this quiz, may I suggest the answers are included on the map after it's over?
Level 87
Jan 10, 2023
They are. You just have to click on each province individually.
Level 43
Jan 28, 2023
I thought Manchuria was a region?? I'm confused.
Level 72
Feb 5, 2024
Manchuria is a huge region, yes, but not a province. It encompasses three entire provinces, parts of Inner Mongolia, and parts of the Russian far-east known as Outer Manchuria.

After WW2 with the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo, I doubt China would be too fond of that memory.