History Quizzes - Page 12

Take a Random History Quiz
591Subdivisions of Lombard Italy in 755 AD with a Map
590U.S. Presidents Who Added the Most States
591Historical Timeline of Serbia
590Largest Countries in the World Throughout History
590The Pre-1950's Fad Quiz
588Russian Presidents
588Name the Years of the 20th Century Quiz
588Multiple Choice Random History
586US States by Population-1900
587Greek Mythology; Heroes
585Stupid Deaths, Stupid Deaths!
585All Caliphs
585History of Finland Quiz
583King Charles III
583Embarrassing Chapters in German History
583Russian Tsars
581Groups of Five - History
581World's Fair Locations
580Ranks and Titles
580European History by Letter E
579Successor Countries of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD with a Map
580Civil War General Knowledge Quiz
579History of Pakistan
578War by Picture
577The Harry S. Truman Presidency
577World War II Movies
576Leaders of the Soviet Union
577Monarchs of Sweden
575Prefectures of Tohoku Japan (Click Map)
575Greek Mythology
576Countries of the Ottoman Empire
575Commanders of Famous Battles
57650 Important Historical People
574Counties of California at Statehood
574Timeline of the Middle Ages (5th - 15th Century)
572U.S. History by Year, 1940-1959
572Biggest Cities of the Habsburg Empire of Charles V with a Map
571Countries where Nuclear Weapons Exploded
570Countries Affected by Donald Trump's Travel Ban
574Modern-Day Countries of the First Haitian Empire on a Map
570Donald Trump Spelling Quiz
569Top 102 most influential people in history - with help
568Letters of the Greek alphabet - in order
5683 letters long Roman numerals
566Countries Queen Elizabeth II has visited
565Korean War participants
565History of Cuba Quiz
564Pre-Medieval Mesopotamian Civilizations
565Ww2 weapons
563Languages the Pope Tweets in
563Countries of the Achaemenid Empire
563Most Important Cities in History
564battle of WW2
558Most Populated Countries an Empires in 1500
556Paul the Apostle's Journeys on a Map
592All Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) Aircraft Carriers
555Gods and Goddesses of Greek mythology
554Provinciae Romanae in charta
554Wives, lovers and children of Zeus
554British WW2 Aircraft by Picture
554British History by Letter - E
554British History by Letter - W
552US Presidents Whose Last Name Starts With J
552Modern-Day Countries of the Roman Republic on a Map
551All U.S. Million Cities Throughout History
550Most Spoken Languages in Former Countries
549Modern Countries that Have People as Namesakes
548US Presidents Trivia Quiz
546Modern-Day Countries of the Sicilian Emirate on a Map
545Biggest Cities once in the Japanese Empire
545Biggest Cities in the Spanish Empire on a Map
543Countries that Gained Independence from France
542American History by Letter - D
542Taxation Quotes Quiz
542Albert Einstein Quotes Quiz
539Religions by Holy Books and Sacred Texts 📖
534History of Hawaii
534Modern Day Countries of the Parthian Empire on a map
53432 Symbols Found in Ancient Caves Throughout Europe
532European History by Letter F
532Korean History Quiz
530Old names for Cities
530History of North Carolina
529The English Civil Wars
526Greek Gods, Goddesses, Demigods, Spirits, and Titans
526Top Ten Physicists in History
525Children of British Monarchs #8 - Hanover
525Trump vs. Kanye West - Multiple choice
525British History by Letter - M
523Women in History
522European Countries in 1800
522American Revolutionary War Generals by last name
521World War II Battleships of the Imperial Japanese Navy
521History of Taiwan Quiz
522The Places Famous Explorers Explored
521Flags of the Most Populous Countries in 1700
520British Kings and Queens
519Greek Mythology Quiz
519Electors of the Holy Roman Empire (1376)
520Flags of WWI
518East Germany Country Quiz
518Weimar Germany (1918-1933)
518Odd Roman Numerals - One Minute Sprint
517Countries in the Macedonian Empire (Alexander's Empire)
517European Countries in 1500
517European History by Letter G
518Famous (and Infamous) Typefaces
515Portraits of the United States - Map Quiz
513Countries led by women
513British History by Letter - H
511Independence by Date from the United Kingdom
511Modern Day Countries of Ghaznavid Empire on map
512Swedish Prime Ministers
509Countries with Deaths from Nuclear and Radiation Incidents
509Modern-Day Countries Of The Timurid Empire (On A Map)
507Prime Ministers of Canada
506Famous WWII Generals
506History of Thailand
505US Presidents Whose Last Name Starts With C
505Longest Serving U.S. Presidents
502Multiple-Choice History
502Countries with Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)
501Totalitarian Leaders
5002024 in Various Calendar Systems 📅
499Electors of the Holy Roman Empire (1792)
500US Presidents in Chronological Order, with hints as you go along
498100 People
499British History by Letter - L
499Roman Numerals to 100
499Countries with Legal Recreational Marijuana
496West roman emperors
496Presidents of the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia
496Western Europe - Rulers at turn of the century from year 0 to 2000
496European Imperialism Quiz
496History of Croatia
495History of Hungary Quiz
494100 Most Significant Figures in American History
492People in History A-Z #9
492The Dictator Files: Muammar Gaddafi
490Numbers Between 0 And 1667 with Unrepeated Symbols in Roman Numerals
489US Presidents Whose Last Names Start With B
489Egyptian Gods, Goddesses, and other Entities
489Birth States of American Presidents
488Byzantine Rulers by Dynasty
487History of South Korea
487Reign of Queen Victoria
486UK Prime Ministers by Picture
486British Prime Ministers by interesting fact
486All members of the League of Nations
484European History by Letter H
484History of Islam
481Religions by Founder
480American Civil War Battlefields (with map)
479Children of British Monarchs #3 - Plantagenet & Anjou
479US Presidents Who Served Two Terms
478Count in Roman Numerals - Thirty Second Sprint
478World Leaders in 2000
478Biggest Cities in the USA - 1790
477New Zealand Prime Ministers since 1900
477Countries That Have Sent an Astronaut Into Space
476Really Long List of Greek Gods
475The medieval weapons quiz
474Planets by Greek Name
490Roman Numeral Countdown
472Even Roman Numerals - One Minute Sprint
471British History by Letter - P
471Serbian Historical Figures
471Iliad Characters Quiz
470Former European Countries
470Former Names of Countries and Cities
470Countries That Took Part In The Balkan Wars (1912-1913)
470Top 100 People of the 19th Century
469Popes by First Two Letters - Two Minute Sprint
468Birthplaces of Roman and Byzantine Emperors
466Deadliest Wars in History
466Ww2 events
465British History by Letter - F
464US WW2 Aircraft by Picture
466Modern Day Countries of Ghurid Empire on map
466History by Countries - Multiple Choice
463Turkish History A-Z
462History of the 1930s
465U.S History Multiple Choice #3
461The Main Greek Gods
461Ancient Rome 2
460Ancient History Knowledge #1
460Children of British Monarchs #7 - Stuart
459Historical Timeline of Germany
459UK Political Parties
458History of Alabama
457Sengoku period Japan quiz
457Five Most Populous Countries by Continent - 1500
457Who was US President?