
Countries that Produce the Most Beer

Try to guess which countries produce the most beer. You might be surprised!
In 2021, according to the FAO
Quiz by nucos
Last updated: January 30, 2024
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First submittedNovember 19, 2014
Times taken105,095
Average score75.0%
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Metric Tons
36.6 m
20.4 m
United States
16.9 m
13.5 m
8.54 m
8.20 m
4.20 m
Metric Tons
3.84 m
United Kingdom
3.83 m
3.81 m
3.10 m
South Africa
2.69 m
2.45 m
2.40 m
Metric Tons
2.21 m
2.20 m
2.18 m
2.12 m
1.98 m
1.96 m
Czech Republic
100 Recent Comments
Level 85
Dec 31, 2016
So, Australian for beer should be "not much".
Level 85
Jan 1, 2017
Australia would be the smallest country on this list. This isn't per capita production.
Level 82
May 17, 2018
Netherlands is smaller than Australia.
Level 68
Jul 27, 2018
Yeah, but that's where Heineken is from. So maybe, that's a reason why they're producing quite much beer...
Level 46
Jul 27, 2018
Heineken always tastes skunky to me.
Level 46
Jul 30, 2018
Heineken tastes skunky because of the green bottle. The light messes with the beer. Heineken out of the can is like a completely different beer.
Level 72
Apr 30, 2021
Personally, I think it is even worse out of the can
Level 83
Dec 31, 2016
These countries are simply much bigger than Oz and NZ by population. Per capita they are doing quite fine.
Level 77
May 15, 2018
Australia has more people than the Netherlands
Level 74
Jul 27, 2018
True but their major beer export is Fosters and it's so bad they don't even drink it themselves.
Level 54
Jul 30, 2018
Also, the Netherlands is home to Heineken, one of the most recognizable beers in the world.
Level 62
Aug 5, 2020
@LoneStar and I never got why. Its absolutely terrible. As a Belgian, I'm surprised we didn't make the list.
Level 72
Apr 30, 2021
Heineken is indeed a last resort for me but the Dutch also make Grolsch and Amstel, which are better. I was also surprised that Belgium wasn't on the list as they make great beers, some of which will knock your socks off
Level 85
Jan 3, 2017
Another interesting stat would be production versus consumption, i.e., what portion of a country's consumption is imported and what is domestic.
Level 90
Feb 21, 2017
Spent some time with some troops from Australia and New Zealand to celebrate Anzac Day back in the early 2000's. I remember very little except for the six day hangover. They may not brew a lot of beer, but that does not prevent them from drinking a lot of beer.
Level 61
Mar 2, 2017
Poland was the surprise here for me.
Level 77
Mar 2, 2017
Level 58
Mar 2, 2017
Wait, really? It was one of the first ones I guessed.
Level 68
Mar 16, 2017
One of the first ones I guessed too. I expected more eastern European countries on the list.
Level 83
Jun 19, 2019
^ I think Eastern European countries tend to drink stronger things than beer.
Level 71
Aug 17, 2019
Same, that is where pilsner originated from right?
Level 52
Aug 17, 2019
Pilsner literally means "from Plzen" a city in Czechia.
Level 78
Apr 30, 2021
You must not have been to Poland. Vodka is like beer to them, beer is like water, and families give you a puzzled look if you ask for water.
Level 71
Apr 30, 2021
At Winchester Cathedral in Hampshire, UK there is a headstone to a soldier who died, probably in India, in 1764 of a fever after drinking "small beer" a mixture of beer and water often consumed at breakfast. The phrase "small beer" has entered the language meaning trifling matter of no importance. The headstone - see the link below - warns darkly about the danger of small beer and exhorts people to drink strong beer or none at all!

Level 78
Apr 30, 2021
That's for sharing that :)
Level 73
Mar 2, 2017
To see which brands they drink try this quiz,
Level 57
Mar 2, 2017
My other guesses placed 13, 14 & 16. Damn 12 & 15!
Level 65
Mar 2, 2017
I was at Heineken headquarters, and the tour guide said that the Netherlands was the top beer producer in the world. Now I don't know who I can trust.
Level ∞
Mar 2, 2017
Not the tour guide, apparently.
Level 47
Mar 2, 2017
It is almost, when you measure per capita.
Level ∞
Jan 30, 2024
Third place after Czechia and Belgium:

Level 52
Mar 5, 2017
Heineken is one of the largest beer producers in the world. It is however produced in factories in over 30 countries.
Level 82
Sep 16, 2019
In my travels I've encountered many untrustworthy tour guides.
Level 69
Apr 30, 2021
Hopefully you haven't corrected them the same way you correct people on here!
Level 82
Jan 28, 2022
So you're as passionate about promoting ignorance in real life as online? Kudos on the consistency. I did offer some corrections in the tours of Jerusalem's old city I took (or just filled in gaps in the guide's knowledge), both the tour group and tour guides seemed appreciative and responded very positively, so maybe a little less averse to hearing the truth than one person in this conversation, who has responded with his own "corrections" plenty of times on my own quizzes before.
Level 79
Feb 3, 2024
Level 60
Feb 12, 2024
It gave me a good laugh.
Level ∞
Jan 30, 2024
Truth. It happens on almost every tour. I usually keep my mouth shut but one time the tour guide kept saying "Lake Yellowstone is the largest lake in the world with this high of an elevation". Finally I couldn't take it anymore and blurted out "what about Lake Titicaca?" Did not earn me points with my girlfriend.
Level 60
Mar 2, 2017
Surprised to see Ireland isn't on here.
Level 81
Oct 31, 2019
They probably make more Guinness in Africa than in Ireland, I think they have three breweries there. I know Nigeria is one, and contributes to Nigeria being on this list.
Level 81
Feb 2, 2024
4 years later and Nigeria is off the list.
Level 72
Mar 3, 2017
The greatest surprise for me is that Czech Republic is not there. They are the world's biggest beer drinkers, and they tend to produce a lot of domestic beers. Pilsner is an adjective meaning "from the city of Pilzň" after all.
Level 71
Aug 17, 2019
Ah czechia, somehow i though the town was in poland
Level 62
Aug 5, 2020
And Belgium
Level 70
Jan 6, 2023
plzeň not pilzň
Level 41
Mar 3, 2017
Forgot Mexico and Poland
Level 62
Mar 3, 2017
Missed South Africa.
Level 22
Apr 24, 2017
China is becoming #1 on everything. So boring... LOL
Level 60
Jan 30, 2024
Level 79
Feb 3, 2024
maybe you'd be less bored if you didn't shove the world into tiny little boxes to roll your eyes at
Level 74
Mar 2, 2018
Happy with the fact my country is #7
Level 46
May 15, 2018
Belgium would make it if it was in litres. But since their beer is so alcoholic, and alcohol is lighter than beer...
Level 86
May 15, 2018
What do you think, most people drink pilsner in Belgium, like Jupiler, Stella Artois or Maes, they have about 5% abv.
Level 83
Jun 4, 2018
Absence of Russia is quite a shock. They DO drink lots of beer, not only vodka.
Level 49
Jul 27, 2018
Mexico... so I guess Corona counts as beer?
Level 70
Jul 27, 2018
There are some good mexican beers. Corona is not one of them.
Level 71
Jul 27, 2018
You disappoint me, Canada.
Level 62
Feb 23, 2024
Often, we disappoint ourselves. What do you expect from a country whose national "food" is poutine?
Level 65
Jul 27, 2018
Czech beer is the best beer, shame its not on the list
Level 79
Feb 3, 2024
The more you make of something, the lower its quality. Maybe it's a good thing that it's low on the list.
Level 33
Jul 29, 2018
Yeah, Brazil number 3!!! But, in spite of national pride, it feels sad to see neither The Czech Republic nor Belgium make the list. But still,,,yeah, Brazil, you ROCK!! HAHAHA
Level 18
Aug 29, 2018
I usually do poor on these, but for the first time, I got them all! :D
Level 68
Oct 30, 2019
China might be the number one producer but it's absolute garbage.
Level 37
Oct 31, 2019
I would have chosen Ireland over the UK. Or is the most beer produced in Northern Ireland?
Level 62
Apr 25, 2020
Go to any town in the UK on a saturday night and you will realise that we make (and consume) quite a lot of beer
Level 60
Nov 16, 2019
no Belgium ? no Czech republic ? Certainly the best beers. May be that is why there is not so big quantity ?
Level 18
May 13, 2020
And isn't Russia supposed to be there? I thought they were famous for their vodka and cocktails.
Level 68
Oct 24, 2020
This list is for beer only, not any type of alcohol.
Level 68
Oct 24, 2020
Was typing in Nigeria when I ran out of time :-( Wouldn't have gotten Thailand, though
Level 81
Feb 2, 2024
I drank my fill of Chang and Singha when I went to Bangkok. If you drink enough Chang in one night you start to hallucinate - I can verify this claim.
Level 46
Oct 24, 2020
Would have thought Belgium and Ireland would have made the list also no scandanavian countries.
Level 67
Oct 26, 2020
it's not about the amount, but about the quality, and none of the top 3 countries produces a good beer. And the country making the best beer is not on this list.... Just saying ;)
Level 56
Nov 11, 2020
Open your eyes, it's there at no. 6 ;-)
Level 56
Nov 11, 2020
I've yet to see any evidence that any countries other than Britain, Ireland and Belgium produce anything that can properly be called "beer" at all.

Not that I'm trying to start a fight or anything.....

Level 20
Feb 15, 2021
tylko jedno glowie mam, Polish cow
Level 83
Feb 25, 2021
So somebody forgot to enter Russian data last year? They suddenly appear 6th place.
Level 85
Feb 25, 2021
Guessed Vietnam, but surprised to see it there and so high on the list. Didn't know they had a strong beer culture.
Level 90
Feb 26, 2021
There's nothing better than a cold Vietnamese beer on a hot day :)
Level 76
Feb 28, 2021
Except for a cold Belgian beer. ;)
Level 71
Apr 30, 2021
I'm surprised Quizmaster hasn't replied to this yet with another rant about Belgium being the worst.
Level 79
Feb 3, 2024
What's wrong with Belgium?
Level 90
Jan 31, 2024
Three years later, I only missed Vietnam.
Level 65
Apr 30, 2021
I'm sad Denmark didn't make the list...
Level 38
Apr 30, 2021
but this is just metric tons....
Level 47
Apr 30, 2021
Don't know why I didn't try China.
Level 78
Apr 30, 2021
Is this list for all beers or just "plant based" beers?
Level 69
Jun 8, 2021
Everyone talking about who didn't make the list (NZ, Denmark, etc.) but I was surprised that Vietnam makes more beer than the UK.
Level 65
Aug 18, 2022
Significantly larger population...
Level 79
Feb 3, 2024
Population doesn't seem to have much to do with it at all...
Level 71
Jun 28, 2021
lmao, I've done this quiz by writing the last 2 countries(South africa and south korea) in 10 seconds or even less. Great quiz!
Level 52
Sep 15, 2022
Always type China or Brazil In those kinds of quizzes
Level 76
Apr 26, 2023
wow somehow the philippines is on the list, didn't know they like beer
Level 79
Feb 3, 2024
doesn't mean they drink any of it
Level 66
May 13, 2023
19/20. Missed my OWN country: Philippines. I really underestimated our beer-producing capacity. Surprising indeed.
Level 66
May 13, 2023
San Miguel supremacy!
Level 76
Feb 11, 2024
I would have thought that Guinness would have propelled the Irish onto this list, but they're not (and they're not even listed in the per capita quiz either)
Level 38
Feb 11, 2024
Missed Vietnam, South Africa, Colombia
Level 51
Feb 18, 2024
Got so caught up in trying to get the less obvious places, i totally forgot Canada.

My apologies to my neighbors to the North!

Level 67
Feb 19, 2024
it's not about quantity, but quality. Sorry, but the top coutnries produce horrible tasting beer. I'll stick to the great czech beer and hope to never get close to the u.s. beer :D (they stole it too, by the way ;)
Level 62
Feb 23, 2024
I guessed Vietnam, but not Belgium. I'm going to take the rest of the day off and interrogate my life choices.