
Country Picture Puzzle Game #3

Answer the questions to reveal pieces of a hidden country. Then, guess the country.
Quiz by KoljiVriVoda
Last updated: September 10, 2018
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First submittedJanuary 25, 2016
Times taken35,906
Average score52.9%
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Bosnia and ___________
Official language of Northern Cyprus
Island shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Hook-shaped cape near Boston
Cape Cod
Common name for the "Republic of China"
Westernmost state of Australia
Western Australia
Capital of the above
Explorer who "discovered" the Tierra del Fuego
Ferdinand Magellan
English name for the Huang He
Yellow River
Rapidly evaporating sea between
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Aral Sea
Capital of Uzbekistan
River that flows through Cincinnati
Ohio River
Most populous city in Crimea
Biggest Greek peninsula
Strait between the Pacific and Arctic oceans
Bering Strait
Monte Carlo is a district of this city
Hidden Country Appears Here
Level 66
Jan 25, 2016
Level 85
Feb 2, 2016
"Strait", not "Straight".
Level 65
Feb 2, 2016
+1 I was wondering, "what geographical feature is straight [as in directly] between the Pacific and Arctic oceans?!" Also, it may be my computer, but does the hidden country seem a tad blurry?
Level ∞
Feb 3, 2016
Fixed strait.
Level 77
Feb 3, 2016
That's quite a spread of questions. From "What's the Westernmost state of Australia?" to "Most populous city in Crimea?". Quite a difference in difficulty right there.
Level 74
Mar 18, 2016
Which makes it a very good quiz
Level 77
Mar 18, 2016
That is right :)
Level 69
May 5, 2016
Uh, which one's supposed to be easy, which one hard? :P
Level 51
Mar 10, 2017
Well, West Australia for 'the westernmost state of Australia' is a real tricky one, eh?
Level 60
Nov 12, 2019
Yeah, everyone knows what the most populous city in Crimea is, but does anyone know that West Australia was the westernmost state of Australia? I don’t think so.
Level 70
Sep 6, 2021
To be fair on those who think "West Australia" is too easy, the quiz should not accept "West Australia" but insist on the actual name "Western Australia".
Level 80
Jun 28, 2022
I'm cracking up at Maladroit's comment proclaiming it's such a stupid, easy question...while answering the question wrong! "West Australia" should 100% NOT be accepted.
Level 41
Feb 12, 2016
That Greek peninsula isn't a peninsula, it was, but now it is separated from continental Greece.
Level 75
Apr 8, 2016
Do you mean because of the Corinth Canal?

If that's what you mean then it's ridiculous - it's like saying that Southern England and the rest of Britain are separate islands because you can go by barge from the Avon to the Thames

Level 65
Apr 8, 2016
I can see your point, but the Corinth Canal doesn't have lock gates, and is entirely at sea level, so that's kind of right.
Level 83
Oct 26, 2016
man-made cuts are usually ignored by geographers
Level 57
Feb 12, 2016
Can you accept Fernão de Magalhães for explorer who "discovered" Tierra del fuego?
Level 56
Apr 8, 2016
I already missed it twice.
Level 75
Apr 8, 2016
I've missed it on several quizzes because I can't spell his name. No idea why I can't remember it isn't Majellan. Magellan, Magellan, Magellan!
Level 73
Feb 15, 2018
I second that, KoljiVriVoda. The name is Fernão de Magalhães, Ferdinand Magellan is the anglicized version of it. You could accept Magalhães as a correct answer.
Level 36
Feb 12, 2016
I get one right, I get the hidden country right.
Level 77
Mar 18, 2016
You can find whole series here
Level 65
Apr 8, 2016
I didn't know about the Aral sea. Interesting to read about, and quite shocking actually.
Level 48
Apr 8, 2016
I got the mystery country after the third question.
Level 35
Apr 8, 2016
I guessed "Herzegovina" and knew the country was **** right away. That is how I know that I can do geography. xD
Level 65
Apr 8, 2016
Better not reveal the mystery country....that would be bad.
Level 69
Apr 8, 2016
I have never heard anyone consider the Republic of China as Taiwan. Taiwan is it's own nation. What a silly question.
Level 77
Apr 8, 2016
Level 77
Aug 7, 2019
Yeah, what is commonly called "Taiwan" is officially called "The Republic of China." What is commonly called "China" is officially "The People's Republic of China."
Level 58
Sep 19, 2023
Nobody is saying that Taiwan is part of the China we all know, it's just the official name of the country. It's like South Korea and North Korea.
Level 65
Apr 8, 2016
I literally knew the mystery country after TWO answers.
Level 35
Dec 22, 2022
after one easyy
Level 39
Apr 13, 2016
Why don't you accept "Morea" for Peloponnese
Level 77
Apr 13, 2016
Because that name is not in use anymore.
Level 32
Nov 15, 2017
Huh i did the first one and got iran
Level 37
May 17, 2019
Only scored 53%, but got the name of the country after three answers.
Level 71
Sep 4, 2019
Missed everything below 40% and didnt see the country, I had just establish it was in the middle east when time tan out:/ this one was tough!
Level 44
Dec 9, 2019
Lol, I guessed Iran with one piece on there. I think the pieces should be smaller, because I didn't even have a reason to continue with the quiz.
Level 53
Mar 10, 2020
Is it sad that I answered four questions before I typed in the question and gave up?
Level 61
Mar 26, 2020
Nice quiz, I guessed Iran with only one piece there :)
Level 66
Jun 24, 2020
All of Armenia was revealed, too easy man
Level 56
Jul 16, 2020
Kinda only needed that first piece, as others have said, because of Armenia... maybe an image without the other countries? Still a cool quiz, just suggesting!
Level 55
Aug 24, 2020
Lol, random first guess was iran without anything haha
Level 75
Aug 24, 2020
I genuinely typed in Iraq before looking at any of the questions, then decided that was silly so I did it properly... So close!!
Level 79
Feb 23, 2021
I got the country after the first hint!
Level 79
Feb 23, 2021
Who else tried 'Balkan' for the Greek peninsula?
Level 68
Nov 22, 2021
Level 66
Oct 30, 2021
I got the hidden country after the first question...
Level 68
May 20, 2023
Level 54
Nov 8, 2021
Armenia is how I got the secret country
Level 39
Nov 24, 2021
The secret country is Iran
Level 59
Dec 4, 2021
Level 50!! Thank you.
Level 28
Nov 27, 2022
Who got the country but not the questions
Level 68
May 20, 2023
I guessed the country after answering just the first question. I'm very proud of that.
Level 55
Dec 30, 2023
You can not refer to the illegally occupied part of Cyprus as "North Cyprus".

The occupation of Cyprus by the Turkish army is condemned by various UN decisions and is not recognised by any country as an entity of any kind. Therefore, there cannot be anything there considered as "official", not even a language.

I believe you should keep Jetpunk as non political.

Do not allow illegal regimes exploit this very good quiz site.

Level 66
Apr 11, 2024
1. You can because it is called that

2. Türkiye does

3. Then why is there a buffer zone? It still exists and they still speak Turkish

4. You're the only one making this political

5. They're not