I am going to finish the Countries 2 Borders Away Series


I think it is about time that I finish my most taken quiz series. I am going to go alphabetically through the countries I haven’t done yet (that have countries two borders away) then I might finish the series off with countries with no countries 2 borders away (this doesn’t just mean countries with no borders like Australia or Vanuatu but does include countries like PNG or East Timor which only have one other country on their main island) but I'm not sure yet.

Here is the link for anyone who wants to take this series or if you are looking back at my blogs and see that it is complete already:


Level 52
Apr 16, 2022
Continuing this series again. I am nearly done!
Level 52
Apr 16, 2022
Also I don’t understand the second bracket so don’t ask me what it means.
Level 52
Sep 17, 2022
Continuing this series yet again. I think I might have less than 10 quizzes left.