The most IMPRESSIVE quiz on all of Jetpunk!!!


The most IMPRESSIVE quiz               on all of Jetpunk!!!

Brought to you by MrBlogger

You will be shocked when you read this article. Although created a while back, a certain quiz recently has brought a buzz to the Jetpunk community - all thanks to the Hines brothers. Stay with this blog to learn more!!!!

What has been going on?

Although the quiz came out a while ago, people have been recently talking/ commenting about a quiz that has a significant number of answers...

What is the quiz?

The quiz is the ALL 10,330 U.S. Cities with at Least 1,000 People that came out on May 19,2020. It is so large, it slows your internet down like crazy, and might make your computer crash. 

Why is it significant?

It is significant because it is one of, if not the largest non-spam quizzes on Jetpunk. It provides you with over 10,000 cities in which you have to guess but gives you the population and state. The HinesBrothers definitely deserve lots of credit for making this.

What do we know about it?

As HinesBrothers talked about in the comments, it has taken over 7 hours for them to take the quiz - nonstop. That is a very long time! The funny thing is, because of the many answers, it says it has no takes, but 6 nominations. It also has high ratings. Oh, and for the sources, it was used from the 2010 census from Wikipedia. Article here: Wikipedia

- I am so sorry I brought this up late :)

How have people taken action?

Some people like MiecraftMan have been taking action and talking about it a lot. They said, I quote: "Going to override the website with the quiz and then this comment". It will be very nice if you guys could talk about it too and share it across the site. Of course, by making this, I have taken action too.



Level 66
Jun 30, 2021
One has gotta master the art of copy and paste. Also quizzes this large aren't possible anymore because of the hard 10,000 answer limit added after this quiz came out.
Level 74
Jun 30, 2021
I remember when that came out, I always wanted to take it, literally couldn't type a single answer cause it just would not load lol
Level 60
Jul 1, 2021
Imagine how long that would have taken to make! I guess they will have me if I ask them to update the populations 🤣🤣
Level 48
Jul 1, 2021
no SVG smh
Level 55
Jul 3, 2021
7 hours? My 10,000 biggest US cities only took about 2 hours, and they have about the same number of answers.

Oh and when the 2020 census releases they literally cannot update the quiz as there is now a hard limit on how many answers a quiz can have (10k).

Level 55
Jul 3, 2021
If we're talking about how the time that it took to make the quizzes, then Subdivisions of the World by me would most likely take the cake, as it took over a year just to make the map (non-stop I'd say about 50 hours).
Level 55
Jul 3, 2021
SVGs can definitely take a long time to make. For several SVGs I've done for my quizzes, I sometimes end up spending eight hours per day on bigger projects. For instance, the SVG for Countries of Europe in 1360 took me at least 90 hours in total including countless updates.