JetPunk, I am at a loss of words


Yes, your least favorite JNN reporter is back... again

Yes, I want to start off by saying I am aware of Kalbahamut leaving the site. Yes, I am aware that I am late to the subject. But, I want to address something.

In his blog post, kal writes "The moderation of this site, always questionable, arbitrary, haphazard, and a bit hit-or-miss... has become shit, and/or deliberately punitive."  Arbitrary? Haphazard? Jetpunk has changed a lot and I am aware, but I never really realized how much it can take a toll on someone. I mean sure, as someone who has not been here for as long as Kal was (he was here for like- 11 years, I haven't even been here for 5) I didn't see as much as he did. But the changing of the site, and I think us all users alike, has driven some people to their breaking points. And no, I'm not trying to say that Kal became a pshychotic maniac because of a generic quiz-taking website, but his seemingly sudden decision to quit screams mental issues. He even says, " that's just pathetic and I don't have time, or rather, the mental energy, for it." Shocking.

With JNN, it's Fudgy. Sorry for being gone, I won't be back for a bit because I got COVID-19 again and I have school and whatnot to do but yea I'll be back later. Bye!

Level 59
Feb 11, 2023
What? How has JetPunk changed for the worse?
Level 59
Feb 11, 2023
No matter what you think of kal and/or his beliefs, one cannot deny that he is an icon of this website
Level 45
Feb 11, 2023
Addressing something real fast. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, go read kal's blog, aptly title "Bye" and you will understand. Yes he is really gone, no he isnt going to be "back in a few months", and yes, kal was an icon of this site.
Level 54
Feb 12, 2023
"Don't believe what you read on the Internet."

- Abraham Lincoln

Level 59
Feb 14, 2023
Don't believe quotes from Abraham Lincoln

-Julius Ceasar

Level 67
May 7, 2023
Trust Julius Caesar

- Confucius

Level 45
Feb 12, 2023
Addressing again because I need to.

Will not say much, but I have personally emailed him, and he has told me he is not returning. I would screenshot the email, but I don't know how and I'm not going to do that to Kal. I told him this was a private/personal convo.

I will update if needed.

Level 45
Feb 12, 2023
And also its not because "nobody agreed with him" its because he felt moderating the site was becoming something he didn't want to deal with, for reasons, again, that are posted on his blog. Wanted to clear that up.
Level 59
Feb 14, 2023
Windows shift s
Level 45
Feb 14, 2023
Addressing for the third time. He's not coming bck. He will not be coming back. If I get some people asking me, I might relay some info from my emails. I might.
Level 34
Feb 16, 2023
nah bro u aint my least fav blogger

also I sometimes wonder if anyone remembers Malkiboy.

RIP him and ClutchNferno

Level 50
Jan 13, 2024
I would like to think the site is better off without him. He posted hundreds to thousands of comments on the site ranging from vulgar language to personal attacks, none of which was helpful. He literally bullied a kid for not believing in evolution and said he was "helping him be successful".