Neodymium's Charts

All JetPunk Charts created by Neodymium.

List of Presidents of Indonesia

What are the Births vs Deaths of Afghanistan?

While the Spanish section has been diversified, as of 9/10/23, Cathlete still dominates it.

What percent of the World is Vaticanian?

What percent of the World is lives in areas formerly taken up by the USSR in 1991?

What percent of the World is 'MURICAN?

What percent of the World is Afghani?

What percent of the World is French?

% of QM's takes that are from the French COTW quiz.

% of QM's takes that are from the COTW quiz.

Quizmaster's Daily Takes from Quiz Analytics.

Quizmaster's Cumulative Takes from Quiz Analytics.

Flying is incredibly safe. Despite a huge increase in air travel, the number of airline crash fatalities has declined by large amounts.

Wine production has fallen in France but has increased in the United States.

Since 1970, American carbon dioxide emissions per year have remained relatively flat, European emissions per year have fallen, but Chinese emissions have grown dramatically.

Coal production in the U.S. has fallen by large amounts in recent years as the fracking boom has made natural gas more affordable.

This is the percent of all takes on JetPunk that are from Non-English featured languages.

This is the takes of all quizzes on JetPunk by language, English vs Non-English featured languages.

This is the takes of all quizzes on JetPunk by language (current featured languages only).

The cumulative number of quizzes taken on JetPunk has grown since the site was founded.