A story I made... #2


The content.

Hi, I'm back with another chapter. Let me know if you want me to make chapters bigger. Also, I am still looking for a good series name if you have an idea please let me know. I forgot to say this last time but this is a Minecraft-themed story, although not everything that happens in this story you can do in Minecraft. The link to the previous part can be found here. Alright here is the story.

Part 1

Chapter 2:

Friends disappearing

“Hey where did Jordan go?” said Noah.

 “I don’t know,” Miles said, “Hey, Kyle disappeared too.”

“What?” Noah said, “now Jake is gone too”

“what’s going on?” Miles said.

“I have no idea” Noah replied, “wait, where are you?”.

There was no reply, just silence.

“Nooo,” Noah said he started to worry but he had no time to react when he got pushed the ground opened and before he knew it, he was sliding down a giant ice slide.

“Aaaaaaah,” Noah screamed on top of his lungs.

 Then he fell right through a portal. When he got up to his feet, he saw his friends.

“Thank god I thought I lost you” Noah said

 “You have bigger things to worry about,” Josh said.

 “Like what?” Noah said Hesitantly.

Josh answered, “we are stuck in the nether!”

Thanks for reading!

Level 38
Oct 5, 2021
In my opinion, each chapter shouldn't be a blog. Perhaps you could combine many chapters to make a blog? It will be way better, efficient, and organized that way. Thank you, good luck! :)
Level 37
Oct 6, 2021
Alright I will combine 4 chapters from next time I was just confused here because I don't have much experience with JetPunk. Thanks for the advise, and good luck to you too! :)
Level 60
Oct 5, 2021
Yah what MrBLOGGER said if they are going to be this short. But lol Minecraft!