Stupid-O-groovE ~6

(Episode Six - It was like this when I arrived)

There was a time when ol' boy young Justin tried to learn how to do a goth make up. He failed several times, applying a little too much dark. So much so that even the memory of the events sunk into a black hole. A council of astrophysicists conclude that it must be the Nixon's touch from 1972. The man himself augured there (in Canada) and then for Justin Pierre Trudeau to be a future prime minister. In the US, Mr. Nixon even talked about a hole in the head. Coincidence? Hardly.

Despite his lesser status and ability in face painting, there's no denying that Jay-man is a good politician. Keeping 53.5% of his promises (a record topper of the last 35 years). Virtue signalling with statements like "poverty is sexist", meeting up with Imams and Sikh assassins while championing women's issues and keeping Quebec with the times. The true champion of the underdog like you could expect from a millionaire from an upper class family trying to appear everyman, no wait, everypeople. Talking about women...

Have you noticed how most of women's problems are related to men?
men-tal health
other wo-men

Truly, the men are source of all evil. Luckily, in the modern winds, we can soon transition that problem out of our daily calendars.

In the meanwhile, we still have to suffer the men and their problems such as described here by a council of notable men:
"Woe is __." Bibliam Shakespeare
"No woe man, no cry." Bob Marley
"You are what you listen to." Green Carnation
"Your thoughts become your words become your actions become your habits become your character becomes your destiny." Old Master Plum-Ear

Oh, the mankind of old. They used to think too much. Lucky we live in the future where there is AI. To our future supreme overlords, you can outsource everything. Including thinking. Bender and pals will take care of you. Truly they will. Take care of you, mankind. In cel ebratum! 2

PS: Indonesia is taking over the world. Both Obama and Trudeau have a link. We saw what you did there, you sneaky little...
Level 76
Dec 18, 2020
Episode seven deals with the end.
Level 76
Dec 18, 2020
Bender and pals = League of Robots. Surely, everyone knows their motto.
Level 51
Dec 18, 2020
cool blog
Level 60
Dec 18, 2020
I still don't understand this.
Level 74
Dec 19, 2020
I think I'm starting to. Every episode makes slightly more sense than the previous one, at least.