Fantasy Quizzes - Page 6

Take a Random Fantasy Quiz
41Wheel of Time Couples/Pillow Friends
41The Wheel of Time - The Path of Daggers Chapters
40Wheel of Time characters with R initials
40Wheel of Time characters with M initials
39Wings of Fire: All Dragons
39Harry Potter: 'Quidditch World Cup' - Hogwarts Teams
39All J.K. Rowling Books
39The Wheel of Time - The Great Hunt Chapters
39Wheel of Time Demonyms
39Wings of Fire; Dragonslayer quiz
38Wheel of Time characters with T initials
38Wheel of Time Sitters
38Wheel of Time characters with L initials
38A Game of Thrones Book Multiple Choice
37Wheel of Time characters with S initials
36Wheel of Time characters with H initials
36The Wheel of Time - A Crown of Swords Chapters
35The Wheel of Time - The Dragon Reborn Chapters
35Wheel of Time Nationalities
35Wheel of Time characters with O, P and Q initials
34All Lord of the Rings Pop Vinyls
34Wheel of Time characters with U, Y and Z initials
34The Wheel of Time - Lord of Chaos Chapters
34Wheel of Time - Who's the Killer?
34Wheel of Time characters with V and W initials
33The Wheel of Time - Knife of Dreams Chapters
33The Wheel of Time - Winter's Heart Chapters
32The Witcher Quiz - Netflix Season One
32The Wheel of Time Chain
32Sword & Sorcery Films by Picture
31Wheel of Time characters with K initials
31Wheel of Time characters with I initials
30The Wheel of Time - Crossroads of Twilight Chapters
30Who is this Wheel of Time Darkfriend?
30The Wheel of Time - The Gathering Storm Chapters
29Wheel of Time - Notables Balefired
28The Wheel of Time - Andoran High Seats
26New Spring - Wheel of Time Quiz
26Wheel of Time - Asha'man
25Wheel of Time Nationalities #2
23Wheel of Time - All Severed and Burned Out Characters
12Howl's Trilogy Most Mentioned Characters by Book
10The Witcher Netflix Episodes
9Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality characters by mentions
7Books Set in the Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum
6Tengwar Letters
5LOTR: Rulers of Middle-Earth: Chieftains of the Dúnedain