
Five Poorest Countries by Continent

For each continent, name the five poorest countries by per-capita income.
2023. Purchasing power parity. More info here.
Quiz by Quizzer6794
Last updated: April 23, 2023
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First submittedAugust 10, 2015
Times taken146,669
Average score66.7%
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South Sudan
Central African Republic
D. R. Congo
North Korea
East Timor
Bosnia & Herzegovina
North America
Solomon Islands
F. S. Micronesia
Papua New Guinea
South America
101 Recent Comments
Level 66
Nov 12, 2015
Surprised Yemen was not on the list.
Level 57
Apr 22, 2021
It is now :p
Level 24
Nov 12, 2015
I have been in both Albania and Malawi, and the idea that the two countries are even comparable in wealth/poverty is ridiculous. In my mind, Malawi is by far the poorer country.
Level 73
Nov 12, 2015
Well, their PPP is 1/14 of the Albanian, so...
Level 59
Nov 12, 2015
They are not on the same continent. Africa overall is much poorer than Europe, so obviously the poorest European countries are still a lot richer than the poorest African countries. Take a look at the income figures in the left column.
Level 58
Sep 14, 2017
No one said they were comparable
Level 73
Nov 12, 2015
Note to self: look at the title picture.
Level 51
Nov 12, 2015
lowest on here is $600, still more than i make a month...
Level 82
Nov 14, 2015
These figures are annually, not monthly.
Level 73
Nov 6, 2017
Kalbahamut's answer puts things in perspective, doesn't it?
Level 63
Nov 12, 2015
Great quiz, but could probably use more time.
Level 55
Nov 12, 2015
Agree, like a minute more. Was typing like a speed demon trying to get done.
Level 66
Nov 12, 2015
I guess I'm moving to Peru.
Level 65
Nov 12, 2015
Peru is the richest country of the poorest countries by continent. The richest country overall is Qatar, at 102,000 :)
Level 57
Nov 12, 2015
Surprised not to see Suriname.
Level 63
Nov 12, 2015
Some of these dollar amounts are really sad. :(
Level 65
Nov 12, 2015
Who couldn't agree?
Level 70
Nov 12, 2015
These figures I assume are the total income divided by the population. Places like Qatar mentioned earlier at 102,000 per person does not mean that every person is receiving that amount, some are receiving 20 times that amount and many are getting very little. Likewise with the poorest nations there are many individuals receiving great amounts and even more gaining very little. It is easier to get along in a poor country if you are poor than in a rich country if you are poor. The rich will never help the poor, whereas poor people tend to help even poorer people when needed. Money received in many of the rich countries is spent on Motor vehicles, gas, taxes, rents, mortgages, computers, holidays etc etc whereas in very poor countries these sorts of expenditures don't come into their expectations. Some poor peoples are growing their own food, not paying tax, don't own vehicles, don't have computers etc etc, so they have to live a more simple life and who knows, maybe more fulfilling.
Level 63
Nov 12, 2015
"Some poor peoples are growing their own food, not paying tax, don't own vehicles, don't have computers etc etc, so they have to live a more simple life and who knows, maybe more fulfilling."

I think you're definitely on to something here. I have worked with many people from third world countries and several have told me that just because people are poor doesn't mean they're unhappy.

Level 82
Nov 14, 2015
I've spent a lot of time in some very poor countries (though actually none from this quiz- poorest I've been to was Ethiopia). I would say be careful when romanticizing extreme poverty. I don't think most people living on $600 a year feel very fulfilled. And... that's just the average. It's not the poorest of the poor. Many people around the world live on less than a dollar a day. Maybe in your pastoral fantasies that might sound nice, but when your bamboo shack you spent 5 years saving to build collapses in a typhoon and you can't afford to fix it, or you can't get clean drinking water and as a result your child dies from diarrhea that you are too poor to get him medicine for, you might have a different view of things.
Level 82
Oct 20, 2016
update: I've now been to Moldova and Ukraine. Ukraine was fantastic, though I did meet a paramedic there who said her starting salary was $40/month. Moldova kind of sucked.
Level 79
Aug 30, 2023
I've never heard any good things about Moldova
Level 75
Sep 14, 2017
How many countries have you been to? I enjoy hearing about your experiences.
Level 82
Sep 22, 2017
61. Click on my name and I think it pulls up a map.
Level 71
Jul 5, 2023
I clicked to see your map. Just curious: is there any reason you've never been to Central or South America?
Level ∞
Apr 15, 2021
I remember in Tanzania taking a van ride up to some village in the hills above Arusha. I saw women carrying baskets of maize down to Arusha to sell in the markets. It's like 15 miles round trip with a couple thousand feet of elevation gain as well. They will be lucky to make even $1 for their day's labor. Elsewhere, people laid out mats where they were selling things like a single shoe or a fork for the equivalent of a few cents.

I am thankful every day I was born in the United States. If you are American and you AREN'T grateful for what you have, a trip to Africa will quickly cure you of your ingratitude.

Level 79
Aug 30, 2023
I don't think you can "cure" ingratitude, even with a trip to underdeveloped countries. It can certainly give you new perspectives, but gratitude is a process of selective attention that takes time and development, not something you can take home as a souvenir from a trip.
Level 68
Sep 22, 2021
Out of curiousity, what is your favorite country that you have been to?

Is there one country that seems to have it best?

Level 82
Oct 16, 2021
Every place has its ups and down. I like the culture, food, people, nightlife, weather, beaches, entertainment, some infrastructure, and $6 hour-long full-body oil massages of Thailand... on the other hand they've also got poverty, corruption, no free speech, and various political issues. Japan, Israel, the USA, the Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, France, the Philippines, Vietnam and Romania are all also among my favorite countries but I could tell you bad things about each of them, too. I find that "poor" countries often have people that are more generous, friendly, open, and down-to-Earth, less jaded and stuck up their own arseholes... this isn't universally true but that's one thing I tend to like about them.
Level 79
Aug 30, 2023
I had withdrawal from the $6 hour-long full-body oil massages of Thailand after coming back to the States. That and bidets on toilets, so much better than stupid toilet paper
Level 41
Feb 24, 2016
The top 6 poorest countries in Africa are poorer than the top poorest countries on all the other five continents.
Level 36
Jul 19, 2017
it makes no sense that Venezuela or Syria is not on this
Level ∞
Aug 10, 2017
It takes time for the official statistics to catch up with the reality on the ground. Also, in Venezuela's case, oil money adds to the GDP even if it doesn't reach the regular people.
Level 82
Jun 22, 2019
both on the list now
Level 91
Aug 19, 2017
The CIA shows Yemen at 2,800
Level ∞
Aug 20, 2017
Level 75
Sep 14, 2017
Just goes to show you shouldn't make quizzes when you're foxed. :)
Level 37
Sep 14, 2017
Are we comparing these poor "countries" by using US standards?

Yes, the salaries may be low, but what is the cost of living like?

Do the people own or rent their homes? - Do they receive money

monthly from their relatives in the US to supplement their earned

income? - Yes, poverty is poverty, but by whose measure?

Level 82
Jun 13, 2021
Actually it uses the fairly ridiculous PPP method so... no... it's not based on US standards.
Level 55
Sep 14, 2017
MIssed Guatemala and Burundi
Level 43
Sep 14, 2017
I'm surprised about North Korea....
Level 43
Mar 21, 2024
Level 28
Sep 14, 2017
The poorest country is Central African Republic
Level 45
Sep 15, 2017
surprised, suriname is richer than like paraguay.
Level 59
Sep 15, 2017
Interesting fact, the least poor country on this list is somehow the most guessed one!
Level 70
Jan 21, 2018
That is because South America is a no-brainer. There is already almost a 50-50 chance to be correct! ;-)
Level 71
Jan 27, 2018
Not anymore :D
Level 71
Jan 27, 2018
WTF? How is Somalia so poor, but still together? How hasn't it collapsed already? Even if it would be twice as rich, it would be the poorest Country !
Level 82
Mar 6, 2018
It has collapsed, it's just that nobody cares to take it over.
Level 83
May 10, 2019
It's not together. Somaliland is practically very much independent, so is Puntland which however didn't formally declare independence like Somaliland.
Level 40
Mar 6, 2018
I thought Belize wouldn't be on here
Level 56
Oct 31, 2018
Yes, it's hard to Belize.
Level 89
Mar 9, 2018
weird to think that what I make in 2 days is the just as much as an average Somalian has to work an entire year for
Level 34
Feb 21, 2019
you have to take into account that you could buy much more with $320 in Somalia than you could in the United States.
Level 79
Aug 30, 2023
yeah but still...
Level 65
Oct 18, 2018
Very surprising that Venezuela isn't here
Level ∞
May 10, 2019
And now it is. Even still, the stats are a couple years behind since the government reports fake numbers. The real income is probably much less than what is shown here.
Level 37
Oct 31, 2018
Surprised that Yemen has been added since it's in the Persian Gulf. What happened to all of its Petro Dollars?
Level 63
May 10, 2019
Yemen isn't the Persian Gulf country.
Level 37
Jun 16, 2019
^ It isn't? Where is it, then?
Level 68
Sep 22, 2021
It's on the Red Sea and some part of the Indian Ocean.
Level 34
Feb 21, 2019
got all right. first one was north korea. thumbnails always help.
Level 83
May 10, 2019
Where did Somalia go? I see websites list last data being from 2010/2011, is that the reason?
Level 68
May 22, 2019
It is surprising to see Venezuela on this list, that too placed third among all the 12 countries in South America, in spite of having a larger oil reserve than that of Saudi Arabia, one of the countries known to flourish for the same reason.
Level 50
Jun 3, 2019
how is north korea poor and happy, they have the 2nd happiest country rate
Level 67
Jun 16, 2019
Through Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, all things are possible.
Level 38
Jul 20, 2024
Because they must be happy, they are not allowed to choose to be sad.
Level 54
Jun 16, 2019
****! I completely forgot about Nth America. HOW??? I didn't even look at the column. ****!
Level 67
Jun 16, 2019
You must be a soccer fan.
Level 73
Jun 16, 2019
Surprised to see that the least guessed country is the poorest one too. I think it is the sad reality that most people don't even know Burundi :-(
Level 37
Aug 10, 2021
Level 59
Jun 16, 2019
I missed North-Korea, the flag was the picture shown by this quiz...
Level 37
Jun 16, 2019
great quiz, i did terrible.
Level 50
Mar 12, 2020
I think you should accept "Salvador" for "El Salvador" since even some quizzes use "Salvador" instead even if I know country's name is "El Salvador"
Level 52
Jan 2, 2021
No featured quiz on this site calls or accepts Salvador for El Salvador. Is it too hard to type an E and an L?
Level 40
Mar 8, 2021
Salvador here in Brazil is an city. Also @GrandOldMan, I agree with you.
Level 40
Mar 8, 2021
Can You accept ''NK'' for North Korea?
Level 85
Apr 16, 2021
On this site, NK isn't considered an acceptable type-in - but DPRK is.
Level 82
Jun 13, 2021
DPRK = Democratic People's Republic of Korea

ROK = Republic of Korea

Level 40
Jun 13, 2021
Level 40
Mar 8, 2021
missed Bosnia, PNG and yemen
Level 32
Mar 25, 2021
Finally After 3 Times Of Trying I Win
Level 76
Apr 18, 2021
I'm surprised that Zimbabwe's ruined economy doesn't get it onto this list.
Level 82
Jun 13, 2021
At first glance it looks like African countries are making phenomenal gains, then you remember this is using PPP, go to check the real numbers, and see that while they are indeed still gaining steadily (and that's great) it's not anywhere near as much as the inflated figures would make it seem.
Level 68
Jun 13, 2021
Cleared out Asia, North America, South America
Level 37
Aug 10, 2021
I feel bad for Burundi 771$ only!?!?!?!
Level 41
Jun 30, 2022
The thumbnail kinda gave a question away.
Level 53
Feb 18, 2023
30/30 first try

also i'm surprised that madagascar isn't there - a board game about countries from 2013 that i have says that madagascar has a gdp per capita of under 970$

Level 75
Apr 5, 2023
From 2013.
Level 66
Apr 23, 2023
Peru and Paraguay are out of order.
Level 83
Apr 23, 2023
The difference between South Sudan and Bosnia is pretty striking
Level 90
Apr 24, 2023
Yes. We are rich in South Sudan.
Level 89
Apr 28, 2023
Didn't think to try North Korea because there's usually not enough information available to include them on these quizzes. I guess maybe I should have looked at the thumbnail! :(
Level 75
May 5, 2023
facepalm - I clocked the thumbnail when I opened the quiz but missed it during the quiz because I was doing other continents first.

Hope to see Ukraine off the quiz soon.

Level 67
May 26, 2023
peru and paraguay are the wrong way round
Level 51
May 29, 2023
Weird to not see Suriname, Guyana, Iraq, Laos and Djibouti not in his quiz somehow
Level 43
Jun 28, 2023
Timor-Leste was so out of the blue.
Level 65
Jun 28, 2023
Peru and Paraguay should be swapped
Level 61
Jun 28, 2023
Man I remembered Ukraine at the last second but I spelled it wrong in my rush, 27/30
Level 56
Mar 11, 2024
The 5 poorest countries in Africa combined still have less than half of the poorest European country
Level 26
Jun 3, 2024
Hi, is a German translation of this quiz okay for you?