Top 5 Countries by Continent Quizzes

Take a Random Top 5 Countries by Continent Quiz
Can you guess the five most populated countries in each continent?
For each continent, name the 5 countries whose names are alphabetically first.
Can you figure out the five largest countries by land area per continent?
For each continent, name the five richest countries by per-capita income.
For each continent, try to guess the five countries that have the largest economies.
For each continent, name the five poorest countries by per-capita income.
Can you name the five most guessed countries by continent, based on the JetPunk countries of the world quiz?
Can you name the five smallest countries by area in each continent?
Can you name the five countries that come last in the alphabet in each continent?
For each continent, can you name the 5 countries that are closest to the United States?
Can you name the five countries that have the longest coastlines within each continent?
228,786 Five Most Populated Countries by Continent
177,969 First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent
177,722 Five Richest Countries by Continent
173,097 Five Biggest Countries by Continent
147,830 Five Biggest Economies by Continent
146,664 Five Poorest Countries by Continent
138,135 Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent
122,459 Five Smallest Countries by Continent
119,727 Last Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent
114,857 Countries Closest to United States by Continent
95,374 Five Countries with the Longest Coastline by Continent
95,472 Five Top Olympic Medal-Winning Countries by Continent
95,160 Five Least Populated Countries by Continent
90,135 Five Most Elevated Countries by Continent
89,180Five Most Populated Countries in 2050 by Continent
75,320 Five Countries with Most Christians by Continent
60,614 Five Countries With the Most Tourists by Continent
59,296 Five Most Densely Populated Countries by Continent
58,648 Five Least Densely Populated Countries by Continent
55,006 Five Northernmost Capital Cities by Continent
52,399 Five Coldest Countries by Continent
52,248 Five Least Guessed Countries by Continent
53,486 Five Countries by a Single Word by Continent
51,473 Countries with Most Nobel Prizes by Continent
48,819 Five Highest HDI Countries by Continent
44,515 Five Lowest HDI Countries by Continent
12,879Five Languages with the Most Total Speakers by Continent
9,864Category Elimination - Five Countries by Continent
9,690First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent with Exceptions
9,293Five Biggest Island Countries by Continent
8,568First Five World Capitals Alphabetically by Continent
8,394Five Best Summer Olympic Nations by Continent
7,959Five Most Murderous Countries by Continent
7,808Five Biggest Countries by Area and Population by Continent
7,588Five Shortest Country Names by Continent
6,628Solve Five Secret Countries by Continent
6,328Five Most Islamic Countries by Continent
5,569Five Biggest Countries by Continent - advanced version
5,554Five Newest Countries by Continent
5,417Five Most Visited Countries by Continent
5,336Five Countries in Their Native Language by Continent
5,092Five Closest Countries to New York City by Continent
5,040First Five World Cities Alphabetically by Continent
4,854Five Countries with Most Jews by Continent
4,806Five Least Peaceful Countries by Continent
4,797Five Least Bordered Countries by Continent
4,704Five Most Powerful Militaries by Continent
4,694Five Busiest Airport Cities by Continent
4,486Five Countries by First Two Letters by Continent #1
4,452Five Biggest Countries by Continent (with a map)
4,444Five Biggest Countries Containing Letter 'A' by Continent
4,3955 Largest Military Countries by Continent
4,377Five Southernmost Capital Cities by Continent
4,278Five Northernmost Countries by Continent
4,211Five Most Bordered Countries by Continent
3,982Five Countries with the Shortest Coastline by Continent
3,966Five Smallest Island Countries by Continent
3,946Solve Five Secret Countries by Continent #2
3,924Five Countries by First Two Letters by Continent #2
3,862Five Countries with the Tallest Building by Continent
3,766Five Most Populated Countries in 1950 by Continent
3,697Last Five World Capitals Alphabetically by Continent
3,659Five Most Populated Countries in 2100 by Continent
3,627Five Countries with the Most Traffic-Related Deaths by Continent
3,559Five Closest Countries by Continent
3,535Five Biggest Countries by Continent - One Minute Sprint
3,527Five Biggest Cities by Continent (with Exceptions)
3,171Five Biggest Countries Containing Letter 'I' by Continent
3,075Five Biggest Oil Producing Countries by Continent
3,069Five Southernmost Countries by Continent
3,059Five Biggest Islands by Continent
3,023Five Country Shapes in the World Map by Continent #1
2,921Five Biggest Non-Capital Cities by Continent
2,891Five Countries with Highest Education by Continent
2,837Five Biggest First Cities by Continent
2,785Five Driest Countries by Continent
2,720Five Least Elevated Countries by Continent
2,674Five Countries with Longest Total Borders by Continent
2,594Five Countries with the Most Immigrants by Continent
2,527Five Country Superlatives by Continent
2,514Five Highest Life Expectancy Countries by Continent
2,493Five Countries with the Strongest Passports by Continent
2,425Last Five World Cities Alphabetically by Continent
2,396Five Closest Countries by Country by Continent
2,376Five Country Shapes in the World Map by Continent #2
2,273Five Most Populated Cities in 2100 by Continent
2,227Five Most Populated Countries by Continent - One Minute Sprint
2,210Five Countries With the Most Inland Water by Continent
2,201Five Random Cities by Continent (with a map)
2,201Five Biggest Oil Consuming Countries by Continent
2,176Five Biggest Countries by Continent with Exceptions
2,157Five Countries with Longest Perimeter by Continent
2,018Furthest Inland Capital Cities by Continent
2,009Five Longest Rivers by Continent
2,001Guess the Five Countries by an Unknown Category by Continent
1,973Five Most Corrupt Countries by Continent
1,946Five Longest International Borders by Continent
1,887Five Countries with the Most Expatriates by Country
1,798Five Southernmost Countries by Continent (with a map)
1,777Five Wettest Countries by Continent
1,747Five Biggest Hidden Cities by Country on a World Map
1,7245 Longest Country Names by Continent
1,720Five Biggest English Speaking Countries by Continent
1,689Five Countries with Most World Cup Appearances by Continent
1,675Five Countries Closest to Point Zero by Continent
1,670Five Northernmost Countries by Continent (with a map)
1,634Five Highest Ranking FIFA Countries by Continent
1,575Solve Five Secret Countries by Continent #3
1,569Five Countries with Most Catholics by Continent
1,539Five Biggest Second Cities by Continent
1,521Continents by Picture
1,503Five Smallest Countries by Continent - advanced version
1,502Five Countries with Most Press Freedom by Continent
1,498Five biggest islands in every continent
1,420Five Most Populated Countries by Continent with Exceptions
1,400Five Least Corrupt Countries by Continent
1,382Five Shortest World Capital Names by Continent
1,272Five Missing Countries by Continent
1,254Five Most Democratic Countries by Continent
1,185Five Lowest Life Expectancy Countries by Continent
1,140Top 5 Most Stable Countries By Continent
1,132Five Longest One-Word Countries by Continent
1,100Five Longest World Capital Names by Continent
1,017Five newest Countries that joined UN by Continent
998Five Countries with the Most Billionaires by Continent
995Five Most Peaceful Countries by Continent
977Guess Five Countries by an Unknown Category by Continent #2
938Five Least Populated Capital Cities by Continent
930Five Fastest Growing Countries by Continent
921Five Least Democratic Countries by Continent
9195 Countries With the Most Exports by Continent
899Five Most English Speaking Countries by Continent
873Five Least Guessed Capital Cities by Continent
861Five Countries With the Longest Coastline by Continent
840Five Westernmost Capital Cities by Continent
825Five Highest Cannabis Using Countries by Continent
816Five Most Elevated Capital Cities by Continent
810Five Countries with Most Hindus by Continent
801Largest Countries by Continent Throughout History
800Five Least Populated Countries by Continent - advanced version
795Five Countries with Least Christians by Continent
783Five Most Suicidal Countries by Continent
733Top 5 Countries by English Proficiency by Continent
709Five Most Christian Countries by Continent
694Five Least Elevated Capital Cities by Continent
694Top Five National Football Teams by Continent
607Five Highest Murder Rate Countries by Continent
552Seven Continents Quiz
535Five Most Forested Countries by Continent
5165 biggest countries by continent
519Five Countries with Most Sikhs by Continent
490Five Most Populous Countries by Continent - 1500
421Top 5 Least Known Countries by Continent
418Five Closest Countries to 100 Million People by Continent
392Five Countries with Greatest Longitude Change by Continent, with a Map
379Top 5 Most Obese Countries by Continent
372Five Most Buddhist Countries by Continent
3485 most visited countries by continent
339Five Biggest Rice-Producing Countries by Continent
331Top 5 Most Well-known Countries by Continent
3215 most populated countries by continent
268Top Five GDP Countries by Continent
268Five Least Forested Countries by Continent
270Five Most Democratic Countries by Continent
2535 most alcoholic countries by continent.
251Five Least Christian Countries by Continent
235Five Countries that have the biggest youtubers by Continent
229Five Top Winter Olympic Medal-Winning Countries by Continent
2245 Countries With Most Refugees By Continent
213Five Countries With Longest Coastline Per Continent
198Top 5 Least Stable Countries By Continent
190Five Most Populous Countries without COVID-19 by Continent
1895 Countries With the Most Imports by Continent
1875 Most Protestant Countries by Continent
175Five Countries with the Most Coronavirus Cases by Continent
165Top 5 Countries by Continent by Combined Area of Neighbours
126Five cities furthest from a bigger in the same continent, with a map.
125Five biggest cities by continent
1195 Oldest Continuous Settlements of Every Continent
115Countries with the most precipitation by continent
92United States Immigration- Top 5 Countries per Continent
67Countries with the least precipitation by continent
58Top Ranked Nations in Rugby by Continent
57Countries With the Most Catholics by Continent
49Countries With the Lowest Homicide Rate by Continent
45Five biggest cities in each cardinal direction by continent
42Least Densely Populated Countries on Each Continent
27Five northernmost major cities by continent
27Five southernmost major cities by continent
24Five easternmost major cities by continent
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