
Most Guessed Asian Capitals

Name the capital cities that have been guessed most frequently on the Asian Capitals Quiz.
As of 25 May 2024
Quiz by RayH518
Last updated: June 1, 2024
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First submittedJune 6, 2017
Times taken58,475
Average score75.0%
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New Delhi
Level 87
Aug 8, 2017
Hah, before the Afghan war, how many Americans would have come up with Kabul? Or maybe even Baghdad?
Level 36
Aug 9, 2017
Nah mate, Baghdad always been a famous city
Level 58
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't mean it'll come to a lot of people's minds easily if it's not in the news much.
Level 72
Oct 26, 2017
But not Kabul, lol.
Level 67
May 21, 2021
I know it from the Simpsons. They get takeout from a place called "Two Guys from Kabul." "Take your kofta bil saniyah and dip it in the labnah."
Level 65
Jun 30, 2021
Now that is good labneh
Level 77
Aug 11, 2017
Baghdad is one of the cities with the longest history.
Level 47
May 24, 2021
It was also once the largest city in the world.
Level 75
Oct 25, 2017
I've always known about Kabul because there is a town in my state named for it - except it is spelled the older English way of Cabool. As for Baghdad, yes, us dumb Americans had heard of it before the Iraqi war. Even Hollywood knows about it - The Thief of Baghad, Baghdad, Baghdad Cafe, etc.
Level 67
Jan 31, 2022
I first knew Kabul from the book Kite Runner.
Level 76
Feb 12, 2023
I know Bagdad from the Tales of Sinbad the Sailor. He always returned from his travels to the magnificent city of Bagdad. Its one of these legendary cities of the Old World like Rome, Babylon, Timbuktu or Samarkand. Kabul, on the other hand, I think hardly anybody in the west had heard about before 2001.
Level 36
Aug 9, 2017
Close to do Kabul
Level 59
Aug 13, 2017
Surprised that Doha is not in the list. A near miss?
Level 39
Aug 13, 2017
Doha was not a near miss, it had 59% so it was more in the middle.
Level 71
May 19, 2019
really? never heard of it
Level 68
Jun 8, 2024
What's special about Doha? Aside from being 4 letters & fairly easy to remember. I can kind of see Abu Dhabi, Baghdad, Tehran, Jerusalem, maybe Damascus, Beirut, Kuwait, as being semi-relevant to everyday news. I don't think Qatar or Doha have had much relevance outside of the Fifa World Cup
Level 33
Jun 8, 2024
It hosted a World Cup.
Level 71
Aug 17, 2017
Huh, Peking is not allowed as a type-in.
Level 70
Aug 23, 2017
It's Bebe called Beijing since the 1980's.
Level 59
Oct 25, 2017
No Moscow??!!
Level 56
Oct 25, 2017
That's Europe.
Level 79
Oct 25, 2017
Just keep posting it, and Jerusalem will be a real capital someday, belonging to a country with a right to claiming it as such.
Level 66
Oct 25, 2017
Just keep denying it and Jerusalem will someday cease to be the lawful capital of the sovereign state in which it is located.
Level 22
Oct 25, 2017
Just keep posting about it and one day people will realise it's the lawful capital of occupied Palestine.
Level 66
Oct 26, 2017
If "Palestine" were a sovereign state, not just the name attached in the 60s to the land inhabited by a bunch of Arabs (not meaningfully distinguishable from the Jordanians, etc.) whom no other Arabs will let in because their propaganda value is too high for the region's dictators (and because of their unfortunate predilection for blowing themselves up in crowds), and if this Neverland were to take political control of a city populated primarily by Israeli Jews who want to live in Israeli Jerusalem, and if it then managed to achieve some semblance of law, then it might be the case that Jerusalem is the lawful capital of Palestine. But you knew that, of course.
Level 79
Jun 22, 2019
When was the word 'Palestine' first used?
Level 60
May 21, 2021
During the roman empire, I think after a jewish revolt.
Level 76
Feb 12, 2023
I always wondered why Gaza does not just become part of Egypt and the West Bank part of Jordan. That seems like such an easy and convenient solution for everyone. Weird that nobody seems to want it that way.
Level 19
Jun 3, 2024
Yeah, while not all, (or most) Palestinians want war, their leaders do, and Jordan is known as a mediator in the Middle East, it was the second country in the region to sign a peace agreement with Israel. They wouldn't want the extremity and complications that comes with accepting the West Bank as its own.

As for Egypt, they hate Hamas as much as the Israeli do. Many forget (and/or like the original comment are astonishingly uneducated) that Hamas used to carry out terror attacks on Egyptian soil for decades. Right now they are a bit busy fighting a war they started and crying about it though.

Also, Israel offered the Palestinian authorities a two-state solution five times in the past. Guess what? They were rejected all five times. Within some of the negotiations, the idea of incorporating the Palestinian territories with their Arab "brothers", but all propositions fell through.

Another note on Gaza, Israel left it in 2005, until the ongoing war started by Hamas.

These kids🤦

Level 19
Jun 3, 2024
Also, there is one very apparent problem with Hamas. They care more about hating and hurting anyone that is different from them than they do about keeping their people safe.

(Yes this is an addition to the comment above, sorry, I ran out of characters... then I wanna believe people will actually read it XDDD)

Level 51
Jun 8, 2024
Please stop. Just stop.
Level 66
Oct 26, 2017
I forgot my own capital: Manila
Level 45
Dec 31, 2017
Damm it Singapore!!!!!!!
Level 54
Jan 20, 2018
Name the ten most guessed. 11 answers?
Level 92
Jun 21, 2018
It's a baker's dectet.
Level 37
Aug 12, 2018
amm14: There are many Sabras who are also indistinguishable from Jordanians and Palestinians. That may be because they are one people and need to stop killing each other.
Level 71
Mar 27, 2020
Surprised by some things, no jakarta for instance and several others I would ve expected before kabul and even tehran
Level 57
Jun 8, 2020
Kabul shocked me, I would've expected Jakarta, or Kuala Lumpur
Level 68
Jun 8, 2024
Indonesia doesn't seem to make the news for anything outside of vague naval actions or territory control issues etc. I'm not sure how powerful they are. Or how much of their relevance is due to physical size & population. All I know is large population, Muslim, shares border with Malaysia etc. Think they have problems with PNG. Relevant in SEA, but it's a small class.

Bangkok is easy to remember. Thriller in Manila. I'm surprised by Pyongyang, Taipei, Abu Dhabi, Hanoi. Kathmandu is pretty fun & memorable IMO. Maybe Baku with F1 relevance, but that's a small audience. Probably varies by current events, like cities & rivers of Ukraine.

Level 34
Jun 9, 2024
Pyongyang is probably here not because of itself, but because it's in North Korea.
Level 68
Feb 8, 2021
Surprised by the absence of Jakarta on here.

Missed Kabul.

Level 57
Apr 5, 2021
How the heck is Singapore more guessed than Jerusalem?
Level 66
May 21, 2021
Singapore airlines. The city-state is a world leader on a lot of country rankings. Israel's de facto capital until recently was Tel Aviv. Also Israel mysteriously counts as Europe for sporting and singing competitions.
Level 19
Jun 3, 2024
As an Israeli, Jerusalem was the de facto capital since 48'. You might think that because it is where the airport is, or maybe because the military command centers are there. However, all the government buildings, offices, and major state resources are there.

Saying Tel Aviv has been Israel's de facto capital is like saying New York City was the U.S's de facto capital (I know it was but that was like 245 years ago)

Not trying to come off as angry or judgmental, sorry if it came of that way. Just wanna help people learn :)

Level 80
May 23, 2021
afaik only 9 countries recognize jerusalem as Israel's official capital. Most countries have their embassies in Tel aviv
Level 19
Jun 3, 2024
As an Israeli, it is true that a lot of embassies (especially the ones where no diplomatic emergencies usually happen or the smaller countries who [no offense] really don't have much impact of Israel in the day-to-day)

However, Jerusalem is Israel's capital and almost all of the government buildings, offices, and national resources are found there.

Level 67
Nov 5, 2022
Singapore is easier to remember because the name of the capital is the same as the country. Some people also tend to associate Israel with Europe because it participates in Eurovision and is in the UEFA confederation in sports.
Level 65
May 21, 2021
Kabul is more famous than Ankara and Jakarta?!!
Level 66
Jan 27, 2022
I can understand Ankara missing because a lot of people probably think the capital is Istanbul. But Jakarta not being up there surprised me.
Level 59
May 21, 2021
Interestingly the order of percentages for this quiz is not the same as the overall order.

I also was surprised not to find Jakarta in this list but Kabul, but it seems Kabul is more often in the news than Jakarta and before I started to do quizzes here I didn't know the capitals of Indonesia or the Philippines and a lot of other countries since they are far less often in the political and cultural news than cities like Tokyo, Beijing, Delhi or Baghdad

Level 68
May 21, 2021
Hmm, no Jakarta? I found that strange.
Level 44
May 21, 2021
Yea same here, one of the first ones I guessed.
Level 72
May 21, 2021
Surprised by the lack of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte!
Level 65
May 25, 2021
Don't forget Ulaanbaatar!!!
Level 64
May 21, 2021
The lack of gulf states capitals surprised me.
Level 44
May 21, 2021
Singapore is not a capital, it's a nation. According to wikipedia "Singapore has no official distinct capital city as it is a city-state."

Saying that Singapore is the capital of Singapore doesn't make any sense. Would the quizmaster consider changing?

Level ∞
May 21, 2021
No, sorry.
Level 44
May 21, 2021
Level 82
May 23, 2021
I would say in the absence of an official capital, the city in which the majority of a nation's central governing institutions are based can be considered the de facto capital. In the case of the Republic of Singapore, that would be the city of Singapore. Thus it is fair to consider Singapore to be the de facto capital city of Singapore.
Level 65
May 25, 2021
Also, there needs to be some capital of every country, otherwise, this site would be totally wrecked. If there is no capital, then a de-facto capital is needed. For a de-facto capital, you can look at the city where the majority of the governing bodies are placed.
Level 68
Jun 8, 2024
How many countries don't have governing bodies? Or centralized government?

I wonder what capacity the government of Yaren, or Funafuti has, beyond the easy to find corruption of most governments

What would you go by? Fragile State Index?

Which would be, Somalia, Yemen, S Sudan, DRC, Syria, Afgh, Sudan, CAR, Chad, Haiti, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Mali, Guinea, Nigeria, Zimb, Libya, Ukraine

Spooky to see the 3 most populous African countries there, along with birth rates.

Level 60
May 21, 2021
Almost forgot New Delhi!
Level 20
May 23, 2021
Forgot 3 capitals kabul,tehran, and baghdad
Level 54
Apr 23, 2022
i thought hong kong would be here or another chinese city
Level 70
Jan 31, 2024
this is capital cities
Level 44
Jun 3, 2024
12/12 :3
Level 53
Jun 8, 2024
Surprised not to see Bandar Seri Begawan make the list!
Level 27
Jun 9, 2024
Forgot about Tehran and Baghdad.

Kinda surprised to see Kabul on the quiz.

Level 63
Jun 12, 2024
I'm surprised too, it's the one I didn't get.
Level 43
Jun 9, 2024
Didn’t get Jerusalem, but I probably should’ve. :P
Level 27
Jun 11, 2024
Surprised Pyongyang isn't here, thought it'd be more popular cause of the hit North Korean game Pyongyang Racer.
Level 56
Jun 13, 2024
what was the update?