Hibasi's Blog

All public blogs written by JetPunk user Hibasi.
# of Blogs 12
# Subscribers 10

This is a blog about travel tips I often use when traveling

In this blog, I will show you the minimum amount of sentences necessary to learn to make use of it while traveling.

I made a tier list after visiting 40 countries in the world!

This is not a Photoshop Tutorial! In this blog, I will show you what makes a picture, a good picture.

The story about my trip to India when I was 15 years old. Quite an adventure with many culture shocks and delicious food! Enjoy my travelogue!

The story about my trip to India when I was 15 years old. Quite an adventure with many culture shocks and delicious food! Enjoy my travelogue!

This is the last part of my Balkan Trip Blog Series.

This is the 5th part of my Balkan Trip Blog Series.

This is the 4th part of my Balkan Trip Series.

This is the 3rd part of my blog series in the Balkans!

This is the second part of my Balkan Trip Blog series.

This is the first blog of my upcoming series about my trip in the Balkans.