Say what now? ~1


Part: 1

Disclaimer: This text is information from many written sources, presented in a fairly neutral way, and should be treated as such. If you are one of those fragile sensitive people that get mighty upset about topics that do not match the latest worldview you subscribe to, do not read any further. In case you do and get a tantrum and cry your eyes out, it's on you.

Consider this a disclaimer for the whole series.

the Aryan


...what are they and where do they come from?

Some have heard the story of infamy from the early 1900s. That is not the origin. Some have heard it was written about in the 1800s France by an elitist aristocrat, who also made it be about races. That is not the origin and Arya was not a race. Some have heard they come from India or Iran, but ... That is not the origin.

In ancient Indian texts from the time long forgotten, written in Sanskrit, it is mentioned that a group of people simply appeared out of nowhere. When questioned about who they are, they simply called themselves "Arya". The Aryan made the area their home and went about their business.

Even older texts, however, suggest that the Aryan originate in the ancient Egypt. Not a race there, either, but a group of people. A secret society of sorts, the keepers of mysteries (="scientist/priest"). For reasons unknown, some, or all, of them decided to leave Egypt and find a new home. Some speculate it was due to competing factions getting stronger. Some speculate it is the Arya wanting to spread their ideas and, possibly, power.


The name Arya is told to be a Sanskrit way to write how they heard Aries, the constellation (and the group). At the time of the "Aryan exodus", Aries was where the "new Sun was born/the Sun was reborn". In other words, where the darkness lost the battle against the light, where the days started to get longer again. "New Dawn" (you might recognize from many later idealizations and so forth).

The sign of Aries is Ram. The ancient Egyptians were known to call the newborn/reborn/born Sun with names such as "The Lamb of God" and "Lord". Among other things (e.g. variations of "Deimos"). Did this sound a bit Jesus-y? Well, it should. That's where a lot of the concept of Jesus comes from. In particular, you might have wondered why is Jesus often described as a blond with blue eyes. This is where it comes from. The ancient Egyptian and the Aryan concepts. "The looks" stretched for thousands of years and as far as becoming the ideal of a frustrated artist in Austria.

The reason for the blond Jesus with blue eyes etc. is as simple as... The Sun has golden hair (rays/halo of which you'll figure out something on your own) and when it "opens its eyes", those are blue.


We are that connected. More connected and much earlier on than people think. It was popular for a lot of learned people to travel around, chasing the greatest wisdom. One example being Pythagoras, who was told to learn "all the wisdom there is to learn" from Greece, Egypt and North India (quite possibly the Aryan or their descendants/disciples). It is told that in the ancient Indian Vedas (=knowledge), Pythagoras is even mentioned under the title "Ionian teacher".

On a side note, it has also been speculated that the "Gypsies" come from the ancient Egypt, as well. Egyptians -> Gypsies. Makes sense. They, however, were not the same as the Aryan, but a different group into traveling a bit. In part of speculation, the Tarot is also assumed to come from an earlier form of keeping the mysteries in the ancient Egypt. Transformation to telling the fortune, as we know Tarot today, coming much later.

PS: While we're on the subject... Once, a long time ago, I got Tarot cards as a curiosity (still remember collecting "curios"?) In case you want me to read your fortune, I can do that.

PPS: More curio info at wikipedia: curio cabinet & "Wonder-room".

Level 76
Jul 13, 2021
The (Dodge) Ram pickup is probably the most Aryan vehicle there is, to-day.
Level 42
Jul 14, 2021
Gypsies didn't come from Egypt. Egypt is named Egypt because Greeks named Egypt ,Agyptus. Also Egypt isn't even called Egypt in Ancient Egyptian Language or Arabic. As it is Kemet in Ancient Egyptian and Misr in Arabic.

Don't just guess. Check your sources!

Level 76
Aug 2, 2021
Chill duderino! You'll pop a vein.

Just to help your heartburn and palpitations, here you go: it HAS been speculated that gypsies come from Egypt. Gypsies were pretty much named on this basis. There are multiple sources to confirm all this. I'm sure you can find a few. I mean... I'm not so sure based on your response, but try. ;)

This, however, does not necessarily mean they are from there. The fact of the moment is, we don't know the ultimate origin for sure.

Level 42
Aug 5, 2021
Can you give me a source which says so?

Because I found an article saying they are from India and other one saying it is false that they are from Egypt

Level 76
Aug 5, 2021
Okay, let's have the winded explanation, then. In parts.

!! 1) I used the gypsies, in the above post, as a bridge to tarot (which is speculated to come from Ancient Egypt where it was used in a different form before it came via other places, e.g. Italy and France, as far as we know). It's in a sort of a "non-chapter", which I mark with ½.

2) It HAS been speculated that the gypsies come from Egypt. Hence the word (see e.g., which explains the use of the word started in the early 1500s due to/for this belief/purpose)

3) The gypsies are not one people. E.g. the Irish Travelers, also called such, turn out to be unrelated to the others. The others being Roma and Dom.

4) The Roma and Dom belong "nowhere", although they don't travel as much as they used to. They live all over the place now, but seem to have come to Europe via North Africa and current day Turkey. It is difficult to pinpoint how or where from since their origin legends are oral and...

Level 76
Aug 5, 2021
...contradict each other a lot. The legends include, also, a lot of biblical things like their forefathers being called Avraham, Jakov, Moishel etc. Some sources even suggest these people have been mentioned in the Bible and the source for that would be the Bible, of course. Can we trust any of this?

5) Via the DNA, around half or so of these people have been placed all over India. Then again, around one third of their males have been placed in a single lineage (the study of David Gresham and co.) Then again-again, a whole lot of them have been persecuted to death e.g. "The Egyptians Act" of England in the 1500s, Louis XIV persecutions, Nazi genocides and so on. Lest not forget the forced assimilation and forced marriage schemes. So... via the DNA, we only know of those who survived. Spencer R. Wells and co. DNA study places many into having Afghanistan and Tajikistan roots.


Level 76
Aug 5, 2021
... 6) The first "proper"(?) connection to this location was linguistic. In the late 1700s, Johann CC Rüdiger speculated that based on language, these people seem to have linkage to Hindustani (aka Pakistan and North India), but if you e.g. see the numbers (as presented as example in wikipedia) in Sanskrit, Roma and Dom, you can well make connection to Russian language (and, in some cases, Finnic languages). It just so happens that, according to the Kurgan hypothesis the Vedic people of North India were linguistically (and you'd imagine otherwise) influenced by migration of the Andronovo people (Russia & the Stans). Many other similarities to eg other European languages have been noted in some Indian languages.

7) We also know that the area was surprisingly often visited by people from Egypt, Greece and the Middle East (historical writings from Ancient Greece, Rome, and so on). Some of these...

Level 76
Aug 5, 2021
...people surely must have stayed behind. The stories of Indo-Aryan migrations throw plenty of suggestions in the air.

In sort of a summary:

We don't know where these people come from, originally. The common consensus is that they at least spent a considerable time in Pakistan/North India and that at least quite a few of the ancestors of the surviving gypsies are DNA-traced there. Based on their own stories, they might be Chaldean (Syria) or perhaps even a lost tribe of Israel or people from Egypt...

Level 76
Aug 6, 2021
...or many other things. My personal best guess is that, in the light of the plethora of evidence of varying sorts, they are a group of mix and match people. From all of the places from where people migrated or visited or invaded the area now pinpointed as the origin before they started "touring".

Hope this helps your cause, whatever it may be.

Level 38
Jul 14, 2021
I reallly dont get the title. Try to change it to something "Aryan"
Level 76
Aug 2, 2021
You don't get the "Say what now?" title?

It's the name of the series.