object(stdClass)#8 (6) { ["pageType"]=> string(4) "blog" ["pageId"]=> int(2924) ["pageOwner"]=> int(1269878) ["pageUrl"]=> string(0) "" ["language"]=> string(7) "english" ["disabled"]=> bool(false) } The Blog Games Season 1: Week 1 - The First 5!

The Blog Games Season 1: Week 1 - The First 5!


The Blog Games Season 1: Week 1!

Week of April 6th - April 12, 2021

Please read our introduction blog for information if you are new to this event. Also, to add another opinion, I have "recruited" a victim subject to help me with grading the blogs based on the criteria, ChineseChen. He is also helping me write these result blogs. Also, from now on, the deadline for blogs is 12 AM EST/5 AM BST/9 PM PST on Tuesdays (Monday for PST)  instead of 10 AM EST previously. A (probably) record amount of blogs this week made this a lot harder, but a lot more fun to grade.

Blog Rank 5! - Beckette: The New Jersey Blog

The New Jersey Blog


Overall Score: 84/100

Ethaboo's Criteria Grading:

9/10: Formatting - The formatting was nearly perfect and had a lot in involved with it.

7/10: Grammar - Could use a little more work, but for a long blog I can understand it can be difficult and time-consuming.

8/10: Appeal - The appeal is high for me for obvious reasons, (I live in New Jersey) but I wanted to put myself in other people's shoes, just so I don't rank this blog high up because it makes me feel good about my home state.

10/10: Content/Information - There was a lot of content involved, and so much that about half of it I never knew about my home state!

8/10: Creativity/Uniqueness - Even though this included a lot of information, it is still a hot topic to make a blog about currently, but used a lot of information other blogs about this does not include.

ChineseChen's Criteria Grading:

8/10: Formatting - Very pleasing to the eye; go blue divider gang!

8/10: Grammar

8/10: Appeal - A modest title, but don't judge a book by its cover

10/10: Content/Information - Like Fuse's blog, it covers a wide range of topics and contains hearty information for each.

8/10: Creativity/Uniqueness - Also following a trend

Blog Rank 4! - cuotak: How to learn the Chinese cities names

Ethaboo's Criteria Grading:

9/10: Formatting - The formatting was very great for beginners, and helped organize the information in the blog.

8/10: Grammar

9/10: Appeal - The appeal was strong for me, as learning new cities can help with lots of things.

8/10: Content/Information - There was a lot of content in the blog which helped a lot with the main purpose of the blog.

9/10: Creativity/Uniqueness - The creativity and uniqueness was high, because I don't remember the last time I read a blog or any text at all that talked about finding patterns to learn cities easier.

ChineseChen's Criteria Grading:

8/10: Formatting - Nice use of margins and bold text

8/10: Grammar - Overall pretty good

9/10: Appeal - Very helpful for taking quizzes

9/10: Content/Information - Effective and simple

8/10: Creativity/Uniqueness

Blog Rank 3! - Fuse: Worcestershire - More than just the Sauce!

Ethaboo's Criteria Grading:

10/10: Formatting - The formatting was amazing, especially for a new blogger. The customization of the blog also helped with my decision, and I overall think it helped out making the blog a lot better.

9/10: Grammar - The grammar was also pretty good for a first blog.

7/10: Appeal - The appeal wasn't the greatest as it might have been a bit too specific, but was a great blog.

10/10: Content/Information - There was a lot of content in the blog, even for such a specific topic, even though such a specific topic meant sacrificing some points off from the appeal.

7/10: Creativity/Uniqueness

ChineseChen's Criteria Grading:

10/10: Formatting - Very nice use of dividers and tables and very aesthetically pleasing.

9/10: Grammar - As expected from a Briton ;)

7/10: Appeal

10/10: Content/Information - Very nice information, covers a wide range of topics

7/10: Creativity/Uniqueness - Following the rising trend of blogs about places of residence

Blog Rank 2! - Pandora49: How to Use Manual Mode on a Quiz

Ethaboo's Criteria Grading:

10/10: Formatting - The formatting is nice, as always.

9/10: Grammar - The grammar is pretty nice, that is all I have to say on this topic.

9/10: Appeal - The appeal is very intriguing, as manual mode can be pretty difficult to learn, as there is so much to learn about it.

9/10: Content/Information - The information easily gets a 9 because of all the new things I learned, as well as helping me with creating better quizzes in the future!

7/10: Creativity/Uniqueness - This is the only thing that isn't the best in this blog, but is still a good score. Even though something hasn't been made about manual mode before, it just feels a bit too similar with other tutorials about making or creating things on JetPunk in the past.

Overall, this score is very great. But I swear I did NOT choose a good score for this blog because he is my friend, I can't make exceptions from the criteria ;). Pandora also does not have any ties with this blog anyways.

ChineseChen's Criteria Grading:

9/10: Formatting

9/10: Grammar

9/10: Appeal - I haven't explored manual mode much and it is very helpful.

9/10: Content/Information - Explains all components very nicely.

7/10: Creativity/Uniqueness

Honorable Mentions

Before we get into the number one blog this week, I would like to introduce the 3 honorable mentions for this week! Also, I did forget to say that the honorable mentions will NOT actually be based on the criteria, just my opinion on the blog. But I will be rating them on the criteria. For the first honorable mention, I would like to present...

Ultimate Tutorial on How to Learn Grandese - Part 1

This was a very informative blog on a very real language called Grandese. The formatting was very nice as well as the content, creativity, and grammar. Although the appeal could be better, the final score was an 83/100. A very high score for Week 1!

For the next honorable mention...

The Pueblos Magicos Of Mexico

Overall this is a very nice blog, not really needing anything to change besides some of the formatting and and a little grammar. This blog based on the criteria gets an 81/100!

Finally, the last honorable mention for this week belongs to...

Brazilian National Parks - Pictures and Info! #Part 1

This was a very informative blog about Brazilian national parks, as I am normally used to the United States' parks. So, it definitely passes on the content and the appeal for me. The only problem ChineseChen and I had was with the grammar. Overall, this blog got a 79/100.

Now onto the best blog this week!

Blog Rank 1! - Malkiboy: JetPunkland (#7) - Update Upstate

Ethaboo444's Criteria Grading:

8/10: Formatting - The formatting was great, but it did feel a bit repetitive after a while, but I guess that could be a good thing as well.

10/10: Grammar - The grammar was really great, and definitely made the story a lot more enjoyable.

9/10: Appeal - The appeal was very great after all the previous stories were amazing as well. 

9/10: Content/Information - There was definitely a lot of information and length put into the story, giving me more time to not do chores at home.

10/10: Creativity/Uniqueness - Malkiboy started the story making trend and the creativity of the stories are still great after 7 entire blogs on this subject.

The blog did very well overall in all criteria. Easily one of my favorite blogs, and blog series so far. It always has enough content for at least 20 minutes of reading if you have nothing to do.

ChineseChen's Criteria Grading:

8/10: Formatting

9/10: Grammar

9/10: Appeal - Interesting.

10/10: Content/Information - Lots of content, very nice.

8/10: Creativity/Uniqueness - Continuation of series, everyone expected the Blog Update ;)

Welcome New Bloggers!

There were a total of 13 NEW bloggers for this week, maybe even an all-time record. I will put a link to all of their profiles and blogs down below!

Fuse - Worcestershire - More than just the Sauce!

Although this blog made it to the top 5, I would still like to welcome Fuse, and for making a very good blog. The blog was very good with everything except the appeal. The final score for Fuse's blog is, as you know 86/100!

cuotak - How to learn the Chinese cities names

Another blogger in the top 5! cuotak's blog was very informational and wasn't really lacking in any criteria, but was just above lacking in every subject, giving the blog an 85/100!

Beckette - The New Jersey Blog

Another in the top 5!? It seems the new bloggers have been doing great with blogs this week. Beckette's blog was very nice and consisted in a lot of information about 1 state, even if it was the state I lived in. Just like cuotak's blog, it wasn't lacking in anything, just could do just a little bit more work on the grammar. This gives the overall score of 84/100.

cooladri - The Pueblos Magicos Of Mexico

As we go onto the next blog, cooladri made a very good blog about something very interesting that I never knew existed. The blog contained a lot of information about it, and also didn't lack in much just like the previous 2 blogs. But could use just a little extra formatting and grammar. This gives a score of 81/100.

PharoahsofAthens - Ranking the Australian State Flags and Ranking Ranking Flag blog posts

The next blog was PharoahsofAthens which was about ranking his favorite Australian flags and ranking the best "ranking flags" blogs. The blog was also pretty good with content. Although everything else needed a bit more work, the blog still got a 76/100, which is still a good score.

Shamooski19 - Yosemite

This blog is similar to Kesuko's series but not exactly the same. The content is very nice and the formatting is simple. The grammar could use some work but overall is good for a first blog with a score of 68/100.

thailand - Beautiful Cities You Should Probably Visit

The concept of this blog is good and the formatting is alright. The list of cities is pretty decent and the pictures are nice. Could use a bit more words and maybe formatting, though. This blog got 66/100.

chailattee - My Favorite State Flags

This is one of many "ranking flags" blogs. The grammar is great and the info is sufficient too. This blog would use some dividers though, as the text and headings are a bit squished together. Overall, it is good for a first blog and got 64/100.

superquizzer - A Simple Guide to Blogs

This blog very simply explains the components in the new blog editor, as stated in the title. Although this sounds pretty appealing, everything else except some grammar could use a little work, giving a score of 62/100.

PjotrL - Fryslân / The Netherlands

This blog explains the region in the Netherlands called Friesland or "Fryslân". The blog does sound appealing and has some decent grammar, but everything else could use some more work, making an overall score of 65/100.

Any blogs that are labeled as "Milestone Blogs" won't be graded on the criteria as it doesn't seem correct to grade a blog just celebrating a milestone and saying a simple thank you. But, I still feel the need to welcome them to the blogging community!

PotatoDude - My First Blog

YakosaysB0T5WANA - Thank You for 4000 Takes!

TheAlternateNY - updates? idk

Welcome to all new bloggers, and I hope you can make more great blogs in the future!

Blog News!

Sadly, no news for this week, hopefully there will be some next week!


I thank you for reading this week's Blog Games! Hopefully next week the blogs can be better than ever. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please state in the comments. We hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Level 43
Apr 13, 2021
Thanks for mention! I’ll continue the series of Brazilian NPs!
Level 43
Apr 13, 2021
And what's my problem with grammar? Maybe I do better next time.
Level 57
Apr 13, 2021
I actually didn't make my blog unique because I wanted it to be consistent with the design of the JetPunk Information Pages and the SVG guide
Level 65
Apr 13, 2021
When is next blog games coming out? And also, my blog contains a hidden message :)
Level 59
Apr 13, 2021
the blog games come out every Tuesday at 12PM EST
Level 68
Apr 13, 2021
Level 65
Apr 13, 2021
How dare you call Grandese made up. I'm going to have GrandOldMan send General Targeto with a fully equipped army an arrest you...oh wait they're all arguing...
Level 59
Apr 13, 2021
ok ill fix it lol
Level 77
Apr 13, 2021
Thank you for featuring my blog! I was quite happy with the grading, so thank you again!
Level 65
Apr 14, 2021
I created my blog for this.
Level 42
Apr 15, 2021
I'm entering the Donkey Kong tropical smash chapter 1
Level 66
Apr 15, 2021
You don't have to enter
Level 39
Jun 11, 2021