JetPunk Blogs

A list of all blogs that fall under the category of JetPunk. Blogs about JetPunk that don't take the form of an official update.

This is a list of the top 5 quizmakers in each language, as of December 15th 2021.

L'année 2021 touche à sa fin. Il est donc temps pour nous de dresser un petit bilan de tout ce qui s'est passé au cours de cette année sur la section francophone de notre site favori, ou presque. C'est le moment du premier blog "Année en revue" de notre section!

C'est aussi pour nous l'occasion de vous souhaiter d'excellentes fêtes de fin d'année, en espérant vous revoir en forme en 2022!

This is the fifth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. Aficionado is the guest judge this week!

Do you want to improve your geography? If yes, be sure to read this blog to find out my tips on getting better at the subject!

This is the fourth week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

This is the third week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

Petite présentation de votre potentiel nouveau calendrier de l'Avent quizistique.

This is the second week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information. NiobiumVoid is the guest judge this week!

I’m bored ok...? So, let’s just do it... ;-;👍🏻

Just a rant on one the easy things so many users get notoriously wrong.

This is the first week of the second season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen (and sometimes a guest judge) with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

I am pretty sure all of you have tried and enjoyed his beautiful quizzes, but will you enjoy his interview? I hope so, because it's time for the interview of the famous overtired!

The second season of the Blog Games has now officially started!

Three months later, interviews are coming back, with the awesome Phytox, winner of the fifth WITJ and talentuous French quizmaker!

My thoughts on the new update.

Over the past three months, there have been over 250 blogs. Out of the most recent 250 of these blogs, which ones have been the most popular?

I will show what I think is wrong with the RUB page and why we need to fix it

These are my ten favorite bloggers on JetPunk!

Updated list. I know I have a same blog before but I want to show an updated version, not update a former blog.

Update per 3 months.

Comme promis, les Focus reviennent, pour une nouvelle année pleine de magie et de quiz!

Blogs on Jetpunk have been making a big leap since the blog editor a couple of months ago. Since the Blog Games ended, I thought I will do my new thing of rating blogs a fair way based on a meaningful template. If you disagree, try commenting and avoid commotion. Enjoy!

Don't take this blog seriously, it's just a parody of RUB section

Every July I update the quiz "ALL First-Level Subdivisions of the World With a Map", this blog will show the changes I have made to the quiz this year (2021).

List of Unofficial Badge on JetPunk

Les mises en lumière? Cela ne vous dit rien? Alors lisez ce petit blog explicatif pour en savoir plus!

A new chance for you to become the next interviewee!

This time, it's Jiao's turn to be my victim interviewee. I hope you will learn many things about them!

You will be shocked when you read this article. Although created a while back, a certain quiz recently has brought a buzz to the Jetpunk community - all thanks to the Hines brothers. Stay with this blog to learn more!!!!

I recently released a quiz called Random Category Elimination - Countries and some have asked how it was made, and the complexities behind its algorithms.

This is the last week of the first season of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

New interview, new interviewee! This time, please applaud for toowise!

I have decided to introduce a tournament in which I will rate different JetPunkers to find out who is the greatest!

Because of the new blog feature, you can actually search for blogs, and I don't think people are taking advantage of that - but i did! You can search for keywords and it will show up! Note: This blog is not making fun of those blogs, but just explaining and analyzing. I thought it would be a fun thing to do.

This is the ninth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

This is the eighth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

Ever since the new blog editor, there have been many features! But some people have not been using them right, so I thought I will show you this blog, so you can be more familiar with the blog section.

This is the seventh week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

This is the sixth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

Bu blogun okunacağını pek sanmıyorum...

Who is MG17...? I'm sure reading this question, you think I'm stupid, that all JetPunkers know who is MG, but you can surely learn many things about him in this interview...

This is the fifth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

Welcome to the official page of MrBlogger news.

Instead of making separate short blogs about Jetpunk, I will cover little snippets of news and put them together in 1 blog with other features similar to a news website!

This blog does not have any bias or discrimination against peoples/groups. Just common/true opinion.

Déjà 350: bientôt la fin... Bonne nouvelle: plus qu'un blog de ce genre et je ne vous embête plus.

The Jetpunk homepage theory explained.

It will totally help if your quiz somehow makes it on the front page.

Click to learn more.

This is the fourth week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen and Pandora49 with formatting with HTML and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

Have you wondered who the 5 most taken quiz makers are on Jetpunk?

Although there is somewhere you can find these, I will provide extra information about each.


This is the third week of the Blog Games, a series or game show that I am hosting with the help of ChineseChen with formatting with HTML and judging the blogs. Every week, I judge all blogs from the week based on formatting, grammar, appeal, creativity/uniqueness, and content/information.

You might already know what the quiz is very popular

To cook a bread, you need flour, water, salt... Oh, you want to know more about Iluvbread? So here it is!

This is the second week of the Blog Games Season 1, a game in which blogs each week are ranked in put in a leaderboard.
