MG17's Blog

All public blogs written by JetPunk user MG17.
# of Blogs 55
# Subscribers 47

(Blog criado em 2019)

Você deve ter notado que o contador de árvores plantadas na nossa página inicial deu um grande salto! O que aconteceu?

Perdón, cathlete 😭

No JetPunk, temos o que chamamos de digitações (type-ins). Elas usam expressões regulares para combinar o padrão do que o usuário inseriu na caixa de texto com as expressões definidas. Por exemplo, a expressão pode significar simplesmente "digite CÃO exatamente", sendo que o usuário teria que digitar a palavra "cão". Essa postagem de blog trará, esperançosamente, todas as ferramentas e conhecimento para usá-las em suas capacidades máximas.

Since 1930, the FIFA World Cup is held every 4 years. In 2022, the competition happened for the first time in a country of the Arab World: Qatar. Now, the hosts and other 31 national teams that shined on the qualifications from their respective continental zones, got qualified to 2022's edition. The World Cup has ended, but the passion for the sport will never do, and so, this is my criterious view about every national team on Qatar!


1. Although of the political bias contained in some parts of these blogs, the stories retract mostly an illusory and uncertain narrative of the future of the country.

2. That’s just my opinion. Don’t take it too seriously because it’s literally a 13-year old kid writing random crap on a quiz site.

3. No matter if you support a side or the other, respect everyone and feel free to debate in a controlled space.

Hope you enjoy the series, because I didn’t

everybody is doing it, so why not?

Among discord and separation within Brazil, MG17 lead a coup d'état to inaugurate the Empire of the Minas Gerais. The goal is to unify the country back, where there wasn’t space for a midterm. A staunch rightist, he is beloved by many, and hated by many as well. Whilst he tries to keep the peace in his empire, he has to defend the Orb of the Amazon with tooth and nail.


1. Although of the political bias contained in some parts of these blogs, the stories retract mostly an illusory and uncertain narrative of the future of the country.

2. That’s just my opinion. Don’t take it too seriously because it’s literally a 13-year old kid writing random crap on a quiz site.

3. No matter if you support a side or the other, respect everyone and feel free to debate in a controlled space.

Hope you enjoy the series, because I didn’t.


1. Although of the political bias contained in some parts of these blogs, the stories retract mostly an illusory and uncertain narrative of the future of the country.

2. That’s just my opinion. Don’t take it too seriously because it’s literally a 13-year old kid writing random crap on a quiz site.

3. No matter if you support a side or the other, respect everyone and feel free to debate in a controlled space.

Hope you enjoy the series, because I didn’t.

27 capitals. 26 are state capitals, and one, the national capital. Infrastructure, beauty, culture... all of the Brazilian capitals have a good point, or a bad one. You may know what will be the first, because, duh! But and the others? Is hard to say precisely, but, let’s go, and rank the Brazilian capitals, from the best, to the worst.

My heart pulses with this team I love so much. And after 50 years, a Brasileirão conquered, and, finally a two-time championship, that used to be a joke of our rivals. I thought “I need to do a blog about my team, especially after this marvelous season”! So, we’ll see history of Galo on this blog. 🎵 VAMOS GALO! GANHAR O BRASILEIRO! 🎵

I recently have been watching on YouTube many soccer channels. I recommend some of them (they are Portuguese-speaking, but there is a thing called captions, and although they may not work, I don’t care). I also watch @Sport Stats, where there is a bar chart showing the winners of certain competition, with its anthems (to sum up, Chen’s Flourish). Listening them, I decided to do this series 🙃

I recently have been watching on YouTube many soccer channels. I recommend some of them (they are Portuguese-speaking, but there is a thing called captions, and although they may not work, I don’t care). I also watch @Sport Stats, where there is a bar chart showing the winners of certain competition, with its anthems (to sum up, Chen’s Flourish). Listening them, I decided to do this blog 🙃

I’ve ranked Brazilian flags, Italian flags, and now I’m gonna rank Argentinian provincial flags!

I’m bored ok...? So, let’s just do it... ;-;👍🏻

Brazil is a wonderful country. I write many blogs about Brazil. This means that I live on Eden Garden? No. Brazil has dozens of problems related to inequality, politics, health system, and I will show some of them.

The CONMEBOL Libertadores, and CONMEBOL Sudamericana of this year, are next to finish, and on this climate, I’m gonna show what are these competitions, and how they were at this edition.

What? One of my quizzes is with 9 nominations. 1 more, and I score 10. I know, many quizmakers have 10 nominations and sometimes is basically nothing. But for me? Is different. I'm glad of each nomination I receive (despite 1 nom isn't the reason for doing a blog), in every quiz. I'm conquering one more milestone in my life of JetPunker, and I want to thank all who contributed for that happen.

Minas Gerais is one of the 27 federative units of Brazil. By area, is the fourth largest, by population, is the second, by GDP, is the third, by number of municipalities is the first, has the seventh HDI... oof. There are too many things about this amazing state, that I can consider of home. In this series, you will see more about history, geography, biggest cities, economy, culture, famous people, and curiosities about Minas.

The Olympic Games are the most important sports competition. Each four years, many athletes dispute their sports, representing he own countries. It is year of Olympics, and we’ll see the history of Olympics, the Paralympic editions, the Winter ones, the Tokyo Games, and curiosities about this world event.

Minas Gerais is one of the 27 federative units of Brazil. By area, is the fourth largest, by population, is the second, by GDP, is the third, by number of municipalities is the first, has the seventh HDI... oof. There are too many things about this amazing state, that I can consider of home. In this series, you will see more about history, geography, biggest cities, economy, culture, famous people, and curiosities about Minas.

Minas Gerais is one of the 27 federative units of Brazil. By area, is the fourth largest, by population, is the second, by GDP, is the third, by number of municipalities is the first, has the seventh HDI... oof. There are too many things about this amazing state, that I can consider of home. In this series, you will see more about history, geography, biggest cities, economy, culture, famous people, and curiosities about Minas. This is part 1, showing the history...

One more picking of Brasileirão! Are you with luck today?

Our world is full of amazing attractions. Be it natural beauty, or constructions from ancient civilizations, does our planet fascinate us and make us rediscover it to appreciate, and take pictures? Well, not everyone. Human intervention can be a lethal and destructive weapon. We'll see 14 tourist attractions that we've ruined.

I still can’t believe... 🥺🥺😭😭

Nature is beautiful, and Brazilian one isn't exception. Today, we'll finish the series, showing pictures, and information about the 73 Brazilian National Parks. I think that after this journey, we saw the beauty that nature can offer. This is part 5... (There is a bonus at the final!)

Nature is beautiful, and Brazilian one isn't exception. Today, we'll continue the series, showing pictures, and information about the 73 Brazilian National Parks. Of course, I won't show all of them just in this article, but we already can see the beauty that nature can offer. This is part 4...

Nature is beautiful, and Brazilian one isn't exception. Today, we'll continue the series, showing pictures, and information about the 73 Brazilian National Parks. Of course, I won't show all of them just in this article, but we already can see the beauty that nature can offer. This is part 3...

Nature is beautiful, and Brazilian one isn't exception. Today, we'll continue the series, showing pictures, and information about the 73 Brazilian National Parks. Of course, I won't show all of them just in this article, but we already can see the beauty that nature can offer. This is part 2...

Yesterday, I released my first quiz with a SVG map (without copying). This is a mark in my life as a JetPunker. I’m getting, ideas, ideas, ideas, and more ideas.

I’m very excited with it, but here comes the questions: And the blogs? Will you continue blogging? What ideas do you have for SVGS? What are you using/want to use for make the SVGS? How do you did the quiz of the Brazilian National Parks, the first with your own SVG?

I’ll try to answer these questions in this blog.

Nature is beautiful, and Brazilian one isn't exception. Today, we'll start a series showing pictures, and information about the 73 Brazilian National Parks. Of course, I won't show all of them just in this article, but we already can see the beauty that nature can offer. This is part 1...

Note: There is an important note in the final. Please, read.

Today, is Easter! All the world celebrate it, and Brazil isn’t an exception. Tradition, expectation, culture, and religion: How the Easter is celebrated in Brazil?

Inspiration: @youtubeplayer

I am also of Italian descent, so why not? Cominciamo a classificare le bandiere!

Studying has always been important for the development of the citizen in our society. Although it often seems annoying and boring, studying is a citizen's right, and at the same time the child's duty. Why study mathematics, geography, biology, literature? That's what we're going to see today.

My thanks to you all.


This speech can be too emotional. If you don't want to have your eyes blurred with tears, avoid reading.

A plot with twists, excitement, comedy, and above all, JetPunk!

Chapter II - That’s correct?

A plot with twists, excitement, comedy, and above all, JetPunk!

Credits to ClutchNFerno for the idea

I stoped all my work for this! Very happy moment that we experiencing!

Q. S. This is my 24th post. The 25th is a very good surprise! You will see...

You will understand my thumbnail reading this... LOL! And isn’t it so cute?

The part 2! Differences of: llama vs alpaca; bay vs gulf; sheet vs page, and more!

Today, for the christians, is Christmas. All the world celebrate it, and Brazil isn’t an exception. Tradition, expectation, culture, and religion: How the Christmas is celebrated in Brazil?

Inspiration: @youtubeplayer

Chernobyl and only?

No! We have nine more on the list!

Check out!


This blog has radioactive content. If you are not wearing a mask, protective clothing and PATIENCE, there is 83% chance that you will not survive because of respiratory and cardiac complications. Be sure to take care and caution when reading this, as health in first place.

Choose the winning teams from the 26th round of the Brazilian Championship! Credits to @ThatOneGuy to create the American football ones.

Yes, certainly spectacular! Since 1897, spectacular! Happy birthday, BH! 🥳

This blog will contain a vote. JetPunkers will have the task of choosing the most beautiful monument in BH. Take into account that this is not an easy task, as being a gorgeous city, Belo Horizonte has wonderful monuments. So, vote very calmly and patiently, because the most voted will have their story told in a second post. VOTING WILL END ON: DECEMBER 19TH

Have you ever wondered what gelato is in relation to ice cream? And consulate and embassy: is it the same? We have already wondered how to differentiate between venom and poison? This is what we will see today, in the first part of the differences between similar things.

It's... 1 whole year! It is incredible... this blog is to be grateful, and to explain how I got to this wonderful site...

Yahoo! Children's Day in Brazil! Discover how the date was created!

This blog is for Americans to jaw-drop!

@Quizmaster made an american ranking. @Jiaozira made a canadian ranking.

And I, made a brazilian ranking!

Check out these 60 very curious curiosities, which curious minds will certainly find curious.

See what you know about the Brazilian country by getting the required score on a set of quizzes.

A very special holiday!

Truly, a contagious sport!

After this blog article, you will have a stomach ache when you travel...

While you're thinking and getting confused, read this article, and try not to fall for it!

The geography of Brazil in a blog article!