Suggested Quizzes

Planets of the Solar System Quiz0-4.89928,158
Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants0-4.16534,221
Street Fighter 2 Characters Quiz0-4.2119,534
7 Deadly Sins Quiz0-4.82317,865
Signs of the Zodiac Quiz0-4.38182,060
Name the 7 Dwarfs0-4.36316,466
Name the Harry Potter Books0-4.31247,555
Original Mortal Kombat Characters0-4.0937,708
Famous Lines of Poetry #10-4.4230,367
Superhero Alter Egos0-4.26135,169
Video Game Characters #10-3.93131,349
Famous Robots and Aliens0-4.4642,124
Fast Math - Multiplication0-4.72896,953
Fast Math - Addition0-4.82412,430
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.84341,524
Harry Potter Last Names0-4.73806,528
Original 151 Pokémon0-4.86651,104
Popular Royal Names 0-4.17107,467
Members of the British Royal Family0-4.07103,604
Two Letter U.S. State Abbreviations0-4.06636,913
Super Smash Brothers Characters0-4.31103,356
Name the Constellations Quiz0-4.4737,341
Star Wars Characters0-4.32134,256
Colors by Letter0-4.13132,999
Legend of Zelda Games0-4.4132,612
Disney Animated Characters0-4.81530,544
Harry Potter Spells0-4.18117,629
Pokemon Moves Quiz0-3.2045,969
Mario Kart Characters0-4.3377,682
Title in the Lyrics - Disney Songs0-4.31111,241
Best-Selling Video Game Consoles0-4.82190,942
Disney Feature Films by Characters0-4.38242,903
Marvel Superheroes0-4.34237,028
Pokémon Theme Tune Lyrics0-4.3278,862
Highest Grossing Superhero Movies0-4.28142,627
Ultimate Harry Potter Name Game0-4.96427,004
Minecraft Ores0-4.1666,719
Basic Harry Potter Quiz0-4.68331,093
Generation II Pokémon0-4.1829,703
Groups of Things - Harry Potter0-4.78235,707
List of All Ash Ketchum's Pokémon0-4.0024,448
Political Movements by Country0-4.5061,953
Most Valuable Brands Quiz0-4.28114,130
U.S. Senators by State0-4.4324,549
Mario Characters Quiz0-4.73106,338
Pokémon Types0-4.30179,418
Disney Villains0-4.20126,152
Lord of the Rings Characters0-4.6896,004
Star Wars Quotes0-4.86136,799
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.87296,433
Double Letters A-Z0-4.4423,298
Famous Lines of Poetry #20-4.5315,706
Political Figures by Last Name #10-4.4752,620
Pokémon Evolutions - 1st Generation0-4.1557,653
Pokémon Real-Life Resemblances0-4.1865,455
Books by Clue #20-4.4422,955
Character to Author #10-4.4730,593
Character to Author #20-4.5025,569
Harry Potter A-Z0-4.36178,714
Highest-Rated FIFA Video Game Players0-4.27126,400
Batfacts: The Batman Quiz0-4.5147,310
Game of Thrones Last Names0-4.4283,210
NBA 2K Highest Rated Players0-4.31240,214
Word Puzzles - Movie Titles0-4.4224,765
Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention0-4.95300,920
All the Pokémon (#0001 to #1025)0-4.95103,424
Star Wars Decoder0-4.4862,605
Astronomy Decoder0-4.4426,235
Lord of the Rings Decoder0-4.7134,466
US Presidents - 1 Minute Sprint0-4.35238,584
Marvel Cinematic Universe - All Movies0-4.90219,782
Chess Pieces (With Board and Pictures!)0-4.4859,290
Minecraft Mobs0-4.88126,430
Pokémon with King in Their Name0-4.8416,012
Brand Logos Quiz #10-4.651,691,420
Brand Logos Quiz #20-4.681,179,480
Brand Logos Quiz #30-4.30860,593
Brand Logos Quiz #50-4.28736,411
Brand Logos Quiz #40-4.38693,339
Brand Logos Quiz #60-4.14507,270
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #10-4.9687,435
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #20-4.5053,473
Nintendo Consoles0-4.2225,243
Fast Math - Double That Number!0-4.73461,542
Fast Decimal to Binary Conversion0-4.4928,284
Divided World City Name Puzzle #10-4.9029,809
Game of Thrones Characters by Screen Time0-4.5066,028
Lord of the Rings Characters by Screen Time0-4.5455,369
Harry Potter Characters by Screen Time0-4.18107,133
Fast Math - Subtraction Quiz0-4.5136,797
Strongest Nation Brands0-4.4229,281
Periodic Table Elements A-Z0-4.7865,405
Legend of Zelda Trivia0-4.1716,303
Countries in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.99247,823
Small Countries with Large Economies0-4.7854,372
Fast Math - Division0-4.4881,454
Word Scramble - Pokémon0-4.2423,237
Pokémon by Picture0-4.2730,503
Name a Valid Country #10-4.99172,449
Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions #10-4.4139,557
Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions #20-4.4727,096
Name a Valid Country #60-4.9468,166
Name a Valid Country #20-4.97151,292
Colleges by U.S. State - Multiple Choice0-4.4418,055
Name a Valid Country #30-4.98162,060
Name a Valid U.S. State #10-4.90148,102
European Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions0-4.4736,846
Name a Valid Word #10-4.8683,292
Category Elimination - Countries #10-4.99239,999
Name a Valid Country #50-4.98120,656
Name a Valid U.S. President #10-4.93126,184
Category Elimination - Countries #20-4.98174,393
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00177,982
Name a Valid European Country #10-4.98158,994
Category Elimination - Countries #30-4.98167,283
Category Elimination - U.S. States #10-4.87158,577
Name a Valid Capital #10-4.9760,196
Clothing Brand Logos0-4.15142,223
Brand Logos Quiz #70-4.26408,462
Category Elimination - Countries #40-4.99142,677
Brand Logos Quiz #80-4.24346,748
Category Elimination - U.S. States #20-4.8294,111
Asian Cities by Wikipedia Descriptions0-4.4821,860
Name an Official Language A-Z0-4.90114,268
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99176,859
Name a Valid Word #20-4.4552,309
Name a Major European City A-Z0-4.2637,432
Random Brand Logos0-4.38302,095
Name a Valid Country #40-4.95149,609
Name a Valid Country Bordering Each Sea0-4.8666,228
Category Elimination - Cities0-4.2534,499
Countries in Squares of the World Map0-5.00122,648
Countries in Squares of an Empty World Map0-4.9991,848
Name a Valid Element0-4.5242,984
Name a Valid U.S. President #20-4.5140,638
Random Name a Valid Country0-4.99109,110
Name a Valid Year in History0-4.9738,073
Name a Valid Answer - Geography0-4.9165,738
Name a Valid Answer - World War II0-4.4438,958
Random Sequential African Countries on a Map0-5.0099,298
Random Sequential Asian Countries on a Map0-4.9992,303
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map0-5.00380,736
Name a Valid Asian Country0-4.9680,624
Category Elimination - Capital Cities #10-4.9198,455
Capital Cities in Squares of an Empty World Map0-4.9968,830
Name a Valid African Country0-4.9993,995
States that Beat Texas0-4.6435,711
Category Elimination - Countries #50-4.68107,728
States that Beat California0-4.4838,187
States that Beat New York0-4.4226,880
Name a Valid U.S. State #20-4.4347,142
Name a Valid European Capital0-4.9379,827
Capitals in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.8957,476
Fruits: No Vowels0-4.6663,343
Vegetables: No Vowels0-4.5247,141
Guess a Top 5 Last Name by Country0-4.6531,915
Name a Valid Answer - United States #10-4.5359,779
Name a World Capital A-Z0-5.00118,593
Name a Valid U.S. State Capital0-4.9044,562
Shakespearean Phrases0-4.4729,808
Category Elimination - European Geography #10-4.96168,630
Soft Drink Brand Logos0-4.21139,130
Fast Math - Square Roots0-4.4134,992
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map - Hard Version0-5.0048,993
Name a Valid Asian Capital0-4.5339,471
Flag Coloring Book Puzzle #10-4.95119,949
Category Elimination - Official Languages0-4.9647,972
Name Any Valid U.S. City0-4.4530,535
Random Sequential Oceanic Countries on a Map0-4.9616,646
20 Random Countries Sequentially on a World Map0-4.7390,173
Category Elimination - Elements0-4.5540,393
Top Five Countries by Random Categories0-4.9587,079
Random Countries Hidden in the World Map0-4.8670,970
Category Elimination - U.S. Metro Areas0-4.3321,997
Valid Answer - World History0-4.5037,774
Name a Valid U.S. State #30-4.6026,192
Name a Valid Country #70-4.8968,329
Name a Valid Country A-Z0-4.9661,678
Name a Valid Country #80-4.9314,738
Category Elimination - European Geography #20-4.98120,337
Category Elimination - Capital Cities #20-4.8256,713
Category Elimination - European Countries #10-4.8462,949
Category Elimination - European Geography #30-4.8549,779
Category Elimination - Asian Geography #10-4.7479,335
Category Elimination - African Geography #10-4.8968,308
Category Elimination - Asian Geography #20-4.9468,889
Name a Valid Island Country0-4.9579,151
Name a Valid Country Flag0-4.5034,278
Name a Valid European Country #20-4.9471,261
Category Elimination - Country Flags #10-4.97101,753
Name a Country A-Z0-5.00126,832
Name a Valid First-Level Subdivision for Every Country0-4.9835,648
Name a Valid Island0-4.6338,517
Countries that Beat Israel0-4.4422,374
Four Letter Geography A-Z #10-4.5824,336
Four Letter Geography A-Z #20-4.4425,430
Divided World City Name Puzzle #20-4.8413,755
Name a Valid World City0-4.5332,330
Name a Valid Country by Disputed Area0-4.7329,475
Minecraft Biomes on a Map0-4.4244,170